Superhero Legends - White Hawk ://Chapter Seven//:

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Chapter Seven –

“Okay just relax Felicity” My dentist said as I lay in the seat with those dreadful glasses sitting on my face helping me against the blinding light shining into my mouth. I didn’t like the dentist but I still refused to bring anyone along to see me ridiculously lay here looking like a fish. So I came in alone, even without my mum. As the dentist worked over my teeth taking my braces off I drifted off into my thoughts just relaxing as they worked on my teeth.

“Okay all done Felicity"

My mouth felt weird as I walked out to the reception where mum was waiting I smiled at her and heard her gasp as she took in my new shinny white teeth.

“Oh Felicity! They look amazing!” I smiled at her happily trying not to think of what waited for me at school.

It was fourth period by the time I go back to school, which I didn’t mind, it was History and at the moment we were reading a novel about Egypt. Though I would have preferred to have the day off and just do my school work at home. Normally I loved going to school. Today not so much. After what happened with David I was a bit reluctant to go and endure whatever was to come.

The moment I walked into the class late everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at me, like people always did when someone came into the room late. I had this class with Paige and Logan, who were already sitting in our assigned seats in the middle of the class room; smiling at me with the widest grin imaginable already knowing today was the day I was getting my braces off.

I smiled at them as I walked to the teacher handing her my late pass, we had a sub today, subs normally meant a bludge but by everyone’s silence she wasn’t that kind of sub.

“I love Mondays!” I mumbled sarcastically as I sat next to Paige pulling out my book, earning a giggle from Paige and a glare from the sub.

“They look amazing!” Paige said pulling her book over her lips as she whispered looking at my shiny new teeth.

“Yeah” Logan agreed shooting me a smirk. Logan was a good looking guy but more like a brother friend than a guy friend that I would crush on.

“Would you like a detention Miss Pierson?” The sub said as I went to talk, snapping my head up I mumbled as no as Logan choked on a laugh “Mr Finsen?” She asked with a glare. Logan shook his head and bit his cheeks to contain his smile.

“Miss Newton? Would you like to add anything?” She asked to Paige who’d been silent since the Sub had started talking.

“No Ma’am!” Paige all but shouted as she sat up straight and started reading her book again. Logan and I both choked on laughter as we got back to our books.

A few minutes later just as I was starting to really involve myself in the book there was a knock at the door.

“Come in” The Sub called standing as she did so. The door opened and Cynthia – a girl in my grade – came in with another girl beside her.

“Umm…” Cynthia looked confused at the teacher for a moment before continuing “Hi Miss, this is the new student”

“Very well, thank you” The Sub dismissed, and with a quick smile towards Paige, Logan and myself she was out the door leaving the new girl behind.

“Hello, why don’t you introduce yourself” The Sub said sitting back in her seat.

The girl stood with a confidence that you don’t see very often, especially not in a person standing in front of a large room full of students, their peers.

“Well… Hi! I’m Ellora Provizer.  I’m from California but I was born in New York. My mother’s half Irish and has an accent. My younger brother is a pain in the butt and doesn’t like to talk much, especially to me and I love to do all kinds of exercise” Ellora spoke loud and made eye contact with everyone with a wide grin on her face.

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