Superhero Legends - White Hawk ://Chapter Six//:

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Chapter Six –

I could hear them all laughing down the hall, well except for David who joined me in my sanctuary. I was still getting ready for my father’s welcome home dinner. The one I didn’t want to go to. I hadn’t seen my dad yet but I didn’t want to anymore because he had already picked a fight with mum – accusing her of cheating on him (again). Dad had it in his head that mum had something going on with our neighbour Cameron. He’d come home and I’d been ready to run into the hall screaming welcome ‘home daddy’ until I heard him start screaming at mum; I love my dad but I love my mum more and because of this when he hurts her he hurts me.

I put my mascara on trying not to think too much into the afternoon’s events. I laughed at David who I could see through the mirror; Matchbox Twenty was playing as he played his invisible guitar.

“You don’t think that they’ll make us get up and dance like last time do you?” I jumped hearing David’s voice cut through my haze.

“I hope not” I laughed “that was so humiliating!”

“Yeah but I’m a pretty good dancer so it doesn’t even matter”

I smiled at the memory; David and I had taken ballroom dancing lessons together when we were little. We’d done it for a few years but when high school started we decided to quit.

“Hey! I’m an amazing dancer too!” I cried back offended.

Knock. Knock. “Come in…” I called praying and hoping it would be mum and not dad.

It was mum “Were leaving soon honey, do you want a lift with me or the Rogers?”

“Will dad be going with you?” I asked rhetorically “I’ll go with the Rogers if you’re going with dad” she looked hurt but I couldn’t help it I was too annoyed and upset.

“It’s not fair on me for you to make me choose between you and my husband”

“But who would you choose!” I said holding my head up with my lip pouted and eye brows drew in.

“You! In a heartbeat! You know that” I was being unfair on my mum so I let it drop, I did love my dad after all but like my mum, I would choose her over my dad.

“Fine. I’ll come with you”

“I’ll come too” David piped in, I smiled gratefully at him. At least I knew that no matter what happened with everyone else in the world my mum and David would always have my back.

*          *         *          *         *          *         *          *          *          *         *          *

“Race you to the swing?” I asked raising an eyebrow at David. We ran down the street as fast as our feet could carry us and launched ourselves onto the swings, David a few beats ahead of me. I laughed as I began to push myself almost falling off the swing as I did so due to my balance being off from the run and jump.

“So you win, what do you want?” I asked, hooking my legs back and forth making myself go higher. I loved the swings, especially when I was on them with David. It had been our favourite when we were little. Of course we’d grown out of childish things like the park but for some reason whenever the park was empty and we were together we’d manage to end up back on our swings.

“Okay, you have to repeat what I say and on Monday you have to be my personal slave” David said laughing as I scowled only half-jokingly at him.

“Fine, go”

“David is the most awesome, amazing and extremely handsome guy in the world and I love him so much!” He shouted to the air looking extremely proud of himself.

Superhero Legends - White HawkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora