Chapter 12 (revised)

Start from the beginning

              The stress must be getting to me, I explained to myself and glanced down at the barrette.

            Stupid devil, he's probably messing with me. They probably all are. They may even laughing at me right now. They're probably think how pathetic can she be? Believing that any of this nonsense could be even close to real. And they were probably right. How could I be more pathetic?

             I scoffed and picked up the barrette and pulled my hair into a messy bun, leaving two curly strands to waterfall in front of my face. I stuck the barrette firmly into the bun and unlocked the bathroom door.

            "Misses, which one of these dresses would you like?" Melinda asked and held up a bright yellow handkerchief dress with blue sparkles on the lower cloth. Then a pink strapless floor length.

             "The yellow one." I concluded and took it from her. I slipped on my clothing and turned to Melinda.

              Her eye glittered with happiness. "Misses, you are truly beautiful!" She beamed and looked to door. "Good day, Mr. Brand." She curtsied as Mr. Tyter strolled confidently into the room. The mood of the room dimmed.

              Glancing at Melinda, he narrowed his eyes and turned to me. "You look stunning, princess." A tight smile pierced his artificial face and he pushed his elbow towards me.

            I shoved it out my way. Why did they always have to send Mr. Brand? Couldn't the send someone else? I made my way out the door as Brand following me out quickly.

            "What is this party for?" I asked as we reached a great enough distance from my room.

             "I cannot say--"

            "Why am I not suprised." I said dryly. "Where is it?"

          "In the central hall, princess." He extended his arm and pointed to the elevator, "I am supposed to bring you there."

            "Then let's go." I snapped, Chairty Clove still hovering in my mind. How could they play such as trick on me. Wait till I get to that party, I'd give the devil something he'll never forget.

            Mr. Brand lead me into the lift and pressed a golden button. I glanced around the elevator, angels of Di Vinci angels carved into walls.

              For a place that hates God and angels they sure have a lot of pictures of them, I dully noted.

               Just as I was about to look away from the normal looking painting,  my eyes caught sight of a man, his wings were black and stained with blood.

                 His eyes murderously sanguine.

                 The devil.

              That was a painting of the devil! I laughed and poked at his eye. How more self-centered can this man be? Everwhere you go you see his ugly face, doesn't he get tired of himself. I know I do.

                  "We are here." Mr. Brand announced, bringing me out of my joyful state.

                I hastily masked my emotions, as Brand led me out the elevator. He guided me down the hall and nodded to the two guards on each side.

                 They nodded in a terse reply and pushed the golden door open.

             I braced myself for the loud trumpets, but silence met my ears. I sighed inwardly and stiffened as the monster himself came rushing towards me.

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