Chapter 1- Crash landing

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You awoke with a start when a wave washed over you sending salt water in your eyes, mouth and nose. You coughed trying to get the water out of your lungs. You wiped at your eyes trying to get rid of the burning sensation. What a great way to start your morning. Wait, was it even morning? You could have sworn that it was light when you fell asleep. You were so tired after school that as soon as you got home you took a well needed nap. You would have never expected to wake up on a beach with sand getting into some uncomfortable places. Did you sleep walk here? No that couldn't have been possible, you didn't live near a beach. Your vision was starting to clear and you took your chance to look around to find clues about where you are. You immediately noticed that the colors seemed brighter than they usually were. Were you in a dream? The sand certainly felt real against your skin and the taste of salt on your tongue was hard to ignore.

You heard voices in the distance and jumped out ready to fight. Wait, fight? Since when did you know how to fight? Back home you never took any type of self defense class which looking back might have been a mistake. The voices grew closer and you took on a fighting pose. You glanced down at your clothes and gasped. You weren't wearing your usual style instead it was replaced with a blue tunic that looked very familiar. Your eyes widen as you scan the area more carefully. This place looked familiar then it hit you. Holy shit. You were in the Avatar universe but how? You didn't have enough time to question yourself as two figures approached from the forest. They stopped in their tracks as they saw you.

"Who are you?" The girl demanded, her eyes narrowed at you. It was like she was trying to dig into your soul to see if you were a threat. Your mouth dried up as you tried to explain who you were. You couldn't believe it. The characters that you loved so much were now in front of you talking to you. Sure they looked like they were going to attack you but that's beside the point. After a few seconds of silence you forced yourself to talk feeling the tense atmosphere.

"I'm Y/n, from the Northern water tribe" You had no idea why you added that last part. You weren't from this universe, you guessed that this must be the way you fit into this world.

"Nice to meet you Y/n. I'm Katara the last water bender of the Southern Water Tribe and this is the avatar, Aang" As she pointed to Aang he smiled and waved. He was more adorable in person. Katara seemed more at ease now that she knew more about you.

"How did you end up here?" Aang asked, a look of concern as he studied your appearance which was covered in sand and very messy.

"Well.." You didn't know what to say. The truth is you had no idea how you ended up here. You couldn't exactly tell them 'I come from another world where this is a show and I woke up here.' They would think you were insane or they wouldn't trust you. Luckily your mouth answered on it's own.

"I was looking for a scroll that was stolen from my people but I fell off my boat and washed up here" Was that really what happened to you in this universe. Memories flashed through your mind of you on the boat laughing with your best friend, what was his name? Oh it was Adam, before a violent storm threw you into the cold abyss below. You remembered how you fought against the waves struggling to breathe. You had to water bend a wave to carry you to the nearest coast. Wait since when could you water bend? Now this was interesting. These memories couldn't be your own. This isn't your life. This isn't your universe. Aang waved a hand in front of your face.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked you gently. His eyes looked at you with pity.

"Yeah I'm fine, just zoned out" Your voice wavered and you cursed yourself for sounding so weak. You could tell they both didn't buy it by the way they looked at each other and then you.

"Do you want to camp out with us tonight?" Katara asked knowing that you didn't have anything with you.

"I don't have any other choice" You let out a laugh but it sounded fake. They nodded in understanding.

"We will lead you there" and with that you followed them through the forest. This seemed different from the episodes speaking of episodes you should be right after they steal the scroll from the pirates. You didn't remember much about this episode but you know that Katara would be caught by Zuko and the pirates that night. You entered the camp and saw Sokka busy studying a map which you assumed was to the North pole. Katara cleared her throat making her presence known to her brother. He shot up and looked at her with his signature shit eating grin.

"Did you guys find anything to eat? I'm starving" Katara rolled her eyes.

"No but we found a girl" Aang piped in and shoved you forward. Sokka frowned as he eyed you up and down.

"And why is she here?" He asked not really trusting you.

"Well we found her lying on the shore and we decided it would be best to let her at least spend the night,"  Katara explained as if it was common sense. Sokka looked a bit annoyed at his sister's kindness. He still didn't trust you after all you were still a stranger to them. You could have been a spy for the fire nation. What if you were with the pirates.

"Sokka can we please let her stay, We can't just leave her" Aang pulled out his best puppy eyes. Sokka sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Fine, she can stay one night but if you do anything I won't hesitate to kick your butt" He waved his boomerang to emphasize his point. You let out a sigh of relief as you had a place where you would be safe.

"I'll be out of your hair in the morning" You promised but Sokka just shooed you away with his hand as he went back to studying his map. You spent the rest of the day watching Katara and Aang waterbend. It was even more incredible watching it in person. The way the water flowed so gracefully. Katara was having a bit more trouble following the scrolls than Aang which led her to storm off. You would have to try out your water bending later as it was now time for dinner. Katara cooked up a stew that was delicious. You began to feel the familiar pull of sleep as you wrapped the blanket they had given you around you. Tonight was going to be eventful and you had to be prepared.


Authors note:

This is my first fanfic that I have written and I'm learning things as I go along but I have help. This fanfic is being co written by @jadejustine1 and you might notice that this isn't going to be exactly like the show but I'm not going to give too much away. I hope you enjoy! -Luna

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