Secret Relationships

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You and Lando had been friends for all your lives. From the day you moved next door to him, at five, you two became thick as thieves. You always supported his racing career and he supported you in your love of photography. Your feelings for Lando grew as you got older but you never thought he felt the same way until he kissed you at a New Year's Eve party. You both confessed your feelings and have been dating ever since.

You work as a photographer for McLaren and Lando is an F1 driver for McLaren. You never planned to be working with the same company so when you revealed your new jobs to each other, you had a good laugh. Working together did make it easier to sneak around because you wanted to keep your relationship secret.

It was halfway through the season, when you were sneaking around the back of the paddock, and you caught a certain pair kissing.

"Daniel? Kelsi? What are you doing?" You asked them, half yelling, half confused. They quickly pulled apart, they were blushing like crazy.

"Ummm... nothing..." Daniel quickly but nervously replied.

"Awww. Are you two dating? This is absolutely adorable!!" You were squealing with excitement.

"Okay! Yes we are but you can't tell anyone! We want to have a relationship without the publicity and pressure." Kelsi told you.

"Don't worry. We can keep it secret. Right Lando?" You looked at him; he hadn't said a word this whole time.

"Yeah. I can keep a secret." Lando reassuringly told them, he still looked shocked.

"Wait! Why are you two sneaking around?" Kelsi asked you. It was your turn to turn red.

"We weren't doing anything. Just thinking of playing a prank." Lando tried to convince them. Kelsi connected the dots and began jumping up and down,

"Please tell me you two are dating!!"

"Wait, what?" Daniel asked.

"I think we're busted." You whispered to Lando.

"How long have you two been dating?" Daniel wondered.

"I can ask you the same question."

"We've been dating about a week." Kelsi told me.

"Six months." Lando said to them.

"And Lando has kept this quiet the entire time!!!" Daniel joked.

"Wow! So much confidence." Lando replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I'll tell you what. We will keep your relationship secret, if you keep ours." You tried to negotiate with them.

"Deal. We can use each other as excuses too." Kelsi agreed.

"I'm so glad to have a girl I can talk about my relationship to. Lando is terrible at girl talks." You said to her.

"Tell me about it" Me and Kelsi were laughing.

The boys were also chatting behind us. We walked back towards the paddock while formulating basic excuses to use if ever in need of them.

- - - - - - - Time Skip - - - - - - -

(2 years and 3 months later, late September)

All of the drivers and their close friends were all gathered into a room with Kelsi and Daniel standing in front of everyone. A week ago, at the last race weekend, they finally revealed to everyone that they were dating but you and Lando were still a secret.

"Guys, we have some big news." Daniel began. Kelsi put her hand forward and squealed,

"We're engaged!"

While everyone else was staring in shock, yourself and Lando ran forward. You gave her the biggest hug and grabbed her hand to look at the ring.

"He asked me last night." Kelsi told you resulting in a bigger hug. You walked over to Ricciardo and whacked him on the back of the head before giving him a hug.

"It's about time you asked the question! What's the point of asking for ring advice if you were going to wait so long!" You told him. It was at this point that the other people in the room began speaking up. It was Max who asked the first question,

"You guys were officially dating last week and now you're engaged! Don't you think you're going a bit fast?

"Umm... that's the thing..." Daniel started.

"We've been dating for two years and three months." Kelsi carried on.

"WHAT?" Most of the room shouted out, some were just speechless.

"How did no one know about this?" George asked.

"Well, Lando and Y/N knew." Kelsi told them.

"They did?" George replied shocked.

"Yeah, they caught us kissing while trying to pull a prank." Daniel said, thankfully still keeping your secret.

"That sounds like how Lando and Y/N would find out" Alex spoke out; thank god the excuse worked. You nervously looked over to Lando. He caught your eye and gave you a small unnoticeable nod, unless you were looking for one.

"Actually, I have some news too." All the drivers just looked at you with curiosity and nerves. You brought your hand up slowly to show the ring on your finger,

"I'm engaged too." While Daniel nudged Lando, Kelsi engulfed you in a hug.

"How long?"

"Two and a half weeks now..." You told her nervously.

"And you never told me!" She shouted and then punched your arm.


"That's for keeping it secret for so long."

"You're not dating anyone to my knowledge so who are you engaged to?" Alex asked you, you were good friends so he was a little surprised to say the least.

"Me." Lando said quietly but loud enough that everyone in the room heard. The entire room was quiet making it very awkward.

"How long has this been going on?!" Charles asked.

"Nearly 3 years now." You nervously told them.

"How the fuck did we not know?! Lando can't keep a secret to save his life." George exclaimed. You walked over to your fiancé and kissed him on the cheek.

"Well, maybe he had enough motivation."

"Umm..." Alex began.

"Calm down. I meant his life and relationship. I would have killed him if he told! Or had an argument resulting in a breakup"

"I'm happy I did keep it secret. I don't want to die yet. I'm too young!"

"Love you too."

The two couples continued answering questions before returning to the paddock for an amazing race weekend. Lando won the race for you and you guys officially told the world. Riccardo also got on the podium dedicating it to Kelsi. The world was quick to accept your relationship, and all was good.

Word count - 1057

Please vote and comment because I need attention and I'm insecure about my writing xx

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