Epilogue - Wolves

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July 4, 2023. 6 Years after what happened at the border.

Daniel was at the receiving area, turning the pages of his brother's journal. It's been a long time since he opened up Sean's Journal. There were pages he haven't seen before.

He saw his portrait playing playbox. It was that night when he asked Sean if Angela could join them but it was already night time. They then played sometime that week. Under it was a drawing of Pennywise and Cassidy together with the dog. Penny was glad that Sean and Daniel was having a nice life and wished he could be adopted so that he'll live by the beach.

He then pulled it out from the journal and placed it on the bulletin board next to him. There were other pictures he displayed. One was Israel's bar by the beach. He just finally understood why Sean was laughing at first when he drew up the sign as it literally means Cocktails in english. Another one is the fountain at school that morning before they left for the field trip. He wondered how Sean drew it fast. He then looked at the back of a drawing of the girl, he was sure it was Angela.

He looked back at the Journal. Next was Lyla and Chris's talking outside of Doña Felicidad. Daniel chuckled, remembering when they visited again. Daniel looked at the red bandana he had tied to his wrist. He reminisced how much he misses mushroom. He then looked at the toys he had collected since their journey. Brody's hula girl. The polar bear and the yoyo that Sean gave him early for Chirstmas, and other things he had hept as souveneir.

Daniel smiled once again. Its been so long, since they settled in Puerto Lobos. Sean finally finished his comic book entitled,"Wolves". Telling their story of the events that occured since their father died up to Chief Cortez's intriguing offer after they rescued Angela and the children. Daniel was amazed how Cortez told his men that two gangs fought that night. Fernandez died with one of his men while the others were arrested.

The police asked them what happened and just laughed when they heard a series of unexplained events. Cortez just then said its probably because they were beaten by a bat on their heads.

Daniel then heard the door open. He was about to greet his brother when he saw him raising his hands. Talking to somebody as he slowly moved back.

He then saw a gun pointed to Sean which made him immediately walked toward the garage. It was another one of those new cholos that tried to steal from them. Daniel used his power to push his henchmen, plummeting them to the concrete floor. The man with the gun was shocked, and fear immediately ran down to his face. He then pointed the gun to Daniel.

Sean smirked as he walked toward the gang leader. Daniel made the gun fly from his hand and dislocated his shoulder. He then pushed him away back to his henchmen, giving them a warning to never come back.

Sean then patted Daniel's back and picked up the gun the cholos left. Another one for his collection. He then went to the briefcase, full of cash he received from Chief Cortez. It was the job Cortez talked them to, bounty hunting. Sean and Daniel used it as another source of income other than them working on the garage since its not everyday Chief Cortez asked them to huddle up some criminals.

Sean opened the briefcase inside the vault he asked Cortez to have since he doesn't want to go to the bank since that day their father, Esteban died. They haven't once able to withdraw from his account or his. That's why he asked for a small vault in case something happens again. Just to be safe this time.

Sean turned around and saw Chris's cape displayed on a frame and another frame displaying the tattered orange rocket shirt Daniel had worn at the border.

It will always be painted in their memory, because of these things their bond as brothers cemented.

Walking to the terrace, Sean followed his brother who was then sat by a monobloc chair. It was their usual place after work.

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