Episode 5 - Brothers

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"Once upon a time... In a wild, wild world... there were two wolf brothers living in their home lair with their papa wolf...

They lived in peace, until hunters took their dad away.

The wolf brothers wandered for days and nights, learning how to live on their own for the first time.

That's when the big brother discovered that the little one was not an ordinary wolf... but a super wolf!

They decided to head south, to the distant land of their ancestors...

But the journey was long and dangerous.

Still, the wolf brothers made new friends on the way... They learned more about the world. But danger seemed to always follow them.

After a bad accident, they were separated. The big brother had been hurt and the hunters finally captured him.

They put him in a cage... But when he finally escaped, he went to search for his little brother...

He soon found out that the little wolf had joined a coyote cult... and he would not leave them.

Suddenly... their mother showed up after all that time... She said she came to help rescue him.

They begged the coyote leader, but she would not release the little wolf... he was their idol.

So, the little brother got so angry he killed her...

The wolf brothers, now reunited, followed their rogue mother... far into the desert... to her hideaway.

Yet it wasn't still safe as hunters took the trail to find them...

The wolf brothers was captured...  They managed to fight back... they finally arrived at the wall... That was separating them from their father's land...

The little brother used his powers to destroy everyone who opposed them and destroyed the wall that was stopping them...

The wolf brothers finally arrived in their father's land...

They finally had peace... They found their father's den and lived in it... Their bond was stronger than ever before...

They met an old wolf who was living by the docks... it was their father's mentor... He helped them to live in their new world....

On the fields... they met a pack of wolves who supplied the other packs food to survive...

The wolf brothers became their family and together felt content on each others arms...

But one day a stray wolf with its pack appeared on the field... pulling the crops for themselves... he soon realize the wolf brothers were hunted by the otherside of the wall... promising the black wolf prosperity in exchange of the wolf brothers...

The wolf brothers agreed as they don't want the wolf pack who took care of them be endangered...

The big brother has a plan and with the little brother's help... they killed the stray wolf and its pack... they were not afraid of any bloodshed to protect their new home...

Soon their friends from the otherside visited them... they had fun meeting them once again... yet they had to leave because it isn't where they belong... yet they promised to see them once more...

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