Fighting Back

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*Sorry for being late 😅 if it makes anyone feel better I accidentally took my boss's keys home with me yesterday😱😥*

I felt my senses come back to me so quickly it was like a bucket of cold water on a hot day. I blinked rapidly, my limp hands suddenly tightening as I ripped them away from Rey's. I stepped away from him, blinking as I looked up at him. He looked completely dumbfounded but otherwise didn't reach out to me.

"No," I said, ripping my veil off as the world around me crumbled into nothing. "I refuse. I'm not going to marry you, Rey. I'm not going to let you destroy my worlds. Not a single one."

Rey's fingers twitched and I saw a glint of pure, unadulterated anger in his eyes before he blinked it away, letting his hands fall to his sides. "I'm disappointed in you, Mira," he said patiently. "But it's too late to fight back now. You'll never be able to save them."

I felt a smile cross my lips. "I'm never going to give up on those I love, no matter what happens to them. I'll always be there to save them."

I closed my eyes as Rey roared in anger. Cold air wrapped around me and I found myself outside my house. I could feel the oppression of a massive army crawling out of the woodwork and braced my body, putting my hands out and transporting myself and my house to a barren, icy location. The army of villains was waiting for me, but so was my army. Lord Elrond of Rivendell, Lord Thranduil of the Woodland Realm, Lord Celeborn of Lothlórién, Lord Faromir of the kingdom of Man and Lord Dane of the Iron Hills all rode to my side, bowing their heads in respect. I nodded to each in turn to show my own respect. "Thank you for answering my call," I told them sincerely.

"I never turn away from the call of an ally and a friend," Lord Elrond said with a wink, making me smile.

"We stand with our brothers and sisters no matter their race," Faromir stated respectfully, and I nodded in return.

"We Dwarves never miss a chance to show up Elven sprites," Lord Dane grunted, sounding almost embarrassed. I smiled gratefully at him.

"Family is more important than prejudices," Lord Thranduil said with another bow of his head. "Am I correct in assuming that my lord Celeborn agrees?"

My father gave me a gentle smile. "Let us be the ones to save your mother for once."

I felt pride well up in my chest. "I'd like that very much."

I looked up at the sky, seeing the massive outlines of dozens of Star Destroyers taking up half of the sky. A faint boom sounded and even more ships arrived within the sky, though these were most definitely Rebel, Republic and Resistance ships. An earpiece appeared in my ear and a familiar female voice registered in my ear.

"Oh, thank goodness we made it in time," she said sarcastically.

"We almost missed the chance to destroy some of these things ourselves," I heard Juno say, making a tear leak from my eye.

"Hope you don't mind some strangers joining the fight," I heard the voice of Han Solo tell me excitedly.

"Well, we were invited by the Princess." I internally squealed as I heard Luke Skywalker speak.

"Alright, Red Squad, on me," Poe Dameron said as I felt my excitement building and my tears continued to fall.

"Just stay behind me, Master, I'll be sure to protect you," I started bouncing as I heard Anakin Skywalker speak to someone in a joking tone.

"Just do your job, Anakin," Obi-Wan Kenobi said in exasperation.

I began to jump slightly. "This is a total dream come true," I whispered, drying my face. "Okay, I'm going to need some help. Vader, his apprentice, my mother and Sauron are all formidable opponents that I can't deal with on my own. Can I ask for another favor?"

My father, Lord Elrond and Lord Thranduil stepped up beside me. "We are at your service," my father said with a bow of his head.

I nodded back. "Father, save Mother. Lords Elrond and Thranduil, please help bring Lord Sauron back into the light."

"I suppose I shall help awaken the Lady Galadriel," I heard Gandalf saying behind me. I turned, smiling at my friends and family in all their fighting glory. Everyone was equipped to fight to the death and I felt tears settling in my eyes once again.

"I feel as if I don't even have to ask," I said quietly, smiling as a tear dripped down my face once more. "I'll protect you. I'll project everyone. I'll make sure no one dies today."

"Worry about protecting yourself, my lady," Aragorn said with a smile, putting his hand on his sword hilt. "We'll be alright."

"I'm going for Vader," Galen said from beside him. "I can't promise he'll live, though."

"He'll come back," I told him. "I know he will. I can feel it." He smiled at me and nodded in understanding. He looked to Aragorn and the other man nodded, pulling his sword out to reveal a green lightsaber. Galen unsheathed his own twin crimson sabers as they turned back to face their enemies.

"How can we help?" Mary and Brian stepped forward, both holding lightsabers as well and smiling confidently.

I grabbed their free hands. "Take the Apprentice. There's something I need to do alone." They nodded and stepped up to my side.

"Any room for me?" I turned to face my best friend, my smile disappearing and guilt overtaking me. "Anya... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm glad you're okay -" She cut me off by hugging me tightly. I reciprocated just as lovingly, holding her hands as she pulled away from me. "Here. Take this." I turned and gathered energy into my hand, turning to show her what I had made especially for her. "No reloading, no overheating. Take good care of it."

Anya's eyes lit up and she squealed as she took the Ray Gun from my hands, her favorite Call of Duty: Zombies weapon. She jumped up and down in excitement and hugged it to her chest in happiness. I laughed at her excitement. She swore it'd never leave her sight and I smiled, trusting her words.

I turned back to the army a good fifty yards away from us. "In formation," I called, and the rows upon rows of our allies filed up past my house, each race mingled in with the others to provide the greatest advantage. The Iron Wall came to the front, several rows of Elves behind them, and then the rest all mixed together. "We let them make the first move."

The air was thick as the army stopped and all was quiet. I raised myself and my group up onto a rampart of ice and snow, leaving the Hobbits, Legolas, Gimli and Anya to join our ground troops. I could see Rey, Vader, the Apprentice, Galadriel and Sauron on a similar surface. Rey was on a gold throne, his elbow on the arm and his head in his hand. He looked truly devastated.

I stepped forward. "This is your last chance, Rey," I said quietly. "Please, I don't want to fight you. You've always been a dear friend to me."

"Don't you see?" he spat angrily. "I am a god! I rule over every single creature in existence! I am your king! It is you who should be groveling, you who should be begging forgiveness. If you choose to carry on and rebel against a god, then you will have to pay for it with your life."

I closed my eyes, taking a calming breath. The sounds of the Nine screaming filled my ears as they and their wyverns flew overhead, drooling and snapping to kill us. An eagle called out from behind me. I turned to see them perched on my house and hovering around it, waiting for my command. I turned back to the armies, summoning a dagger to one hand and my lightsaber to the other.

I said something that made Anya blush and my sister elbow my side sharply. All was silent.

Then the sounds of fighting began.

**Temporary hiatus; I've hit writer's block and can't find a way to get the book to go where I want yet. Hopefully just a week or two but no promises 😅**

Through Fire And WaterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang