Nedim was out of his car in front of the bakery waiting for Ceren; he noticed the people looking at him and the ladies whispering and pointing to him. He just smiled politely at them; after Ceren came out with heavy steps when Nedim saw her, he called her.

"Ceren, you are late" Ceren just rolled her eyes at him; when she reached the car, she saw the group of gossiping ladies looking at her, she could hear what they were saying,

"Who is this guy? Look at the Car? He must be wealthy", Ceren got annoyed, but she ignored them and rode the car.

"So, where is the Clinic?" Nedim asked

"It's not that far, go, and I will show you the way," in the way, Ceren was silent and kept her eyes out of the window.

'It wasn't enough for her that Nedim was here, now the gossip community will start to distribute rumours about her, she came to this town to be far away from everything and everyone, to get peace and be left alone, but her luck was fucked up like her,' she turned to Nedim, found him looking at her when she caught him looking at her, he turned his head to the road, Ceren narrowed her eyes on him.

"What?" Ceren asked him

"Are you angry?"

"No, but even if I was, does it matter ?"

"NO, but it's bad for the baby; I have read that the psychological state of the mother can affect the baby," Ceren rolled her eyes for a hundred-time today; her eyes started to hurt.

"If it weren't because of you, I wouldn't," Ceren said in a low voice, lowering herself more to the seat. It wasn't enough that she was tired from the pregnancy; now Nedim started to be the father of the year; this pregnancy was heavy on her, not like her first one; it looked like her daughter was like her father.

"What did you say?" Nedim asked

"Nothing," Ceren replied; they were silent after that. When they arrived at the Clinic, they got down and entered; it wasn't as crowded as usual. Caren talked to the receptionist, and she told her to sit until they called her name; she found an empty chair and sat; Nedim followed her and sat next to her.

Nedim eyes were scanning the place; it was a small clinic, with pictures of pregnant mothers and babies on the wall; most of the people there were couples, some were very happy, talking, laughing, holding each other's hands, some pregnant mothers with small children, his sight turned to Ceren who was looking at two Couple who were very intimate with each other, she kept looking at them with a strange look in her eyes. She noticed that he was looking at her.

"They should get a room or something, " Ceren said, laughing nervously; Nedim gave her a questioning look.

"Last week, they were on each other like this; it's shameful," Ceren explained; Nedim didn't comment.

'Is she jealous of them ?' Nedim thought.

"Mrs. Ceren Yilmaz, your turn, " the nurse called; Nedim and Ceren entered the room, and the doctor asked them to sit.

"Hello, Ceren; how are you doing?"

"Good doctor, but very tired."

"Is it the same symptoms from last week ?"

"Yeah, but now there is a pain in my legs and back, shortness in my breath, and I can't sleep at all; she is very heavy, not like my first pregnancy," Ceren said as she was laughing at her last sentence.

"It happens with this stage of the pregnancy, and every pregnancy is different from the other. Do you still have bleeding"

"Yeah, but not that much."

"It should have stopped by now; let us make more tests to make sure," Nedim's face changed.

"Is there something wrong ? is the baby in danger ?" Nedim asked without hesitation; Ceren looked at him.

"Sorry, sir, didn't notice you, and you are?" the doctor said to Nedim.

"I am the father."

"It's good that you are here sir, it happens in the end stages of the pregnancy, but if it's for a long period or heavily, it could be a bad sign; it could be dangerous for both the mom and the baby."

"OK, " Nedim said, and Ceren wanted to roll her eyes. At least he cares about the baby,' she thought.

"So Ceren lets us go and take the test, and Mr...?"

"Nedim "

"Would you like to hear the baby's heartbeat ?"

"Yeah, definitely, " Nedim said with excitement.

"Give us 15 minutes, and I will call you inside, Come on, Ceren, we will go " Ceren stood up and went behind the curtains; after 15 minutes, the doctor called him.

Ceren was on the bed, the doctor sitting near the bed, and the ultrasound machine in front of her when she saw Nedim smile at him and ask him to sit on the other side. It was low at first; then it was louder; Nedim smiled but couldn't stop his tears from falling from his eyes.

"This is my baby girl's heartbeat ?"

"Yeah, isn't it magical ?" the doctor said, smiling.

"Yes," Nedim said, laughing and wiping his tears; Ceren was stunned by the view in front of her; she never thought that Nedim could be affected that much.

'He really cares about his child; at least this baby has a father who loves her and will love her.' This thought brought tears to Ceren's eyes. Nedim and Ceren's eyes met, and they smiled at each other.

The doctor said to them that she would call Ceren after the test results came, and they were on their way to Ceren's house; the smile was still on Neidm's face.

Ceren could see the happiness in his eyes; it was different with Cenk; it wasn't a baby created by love, even her daughter wasn't a love baby, but Nedim had a different attitude, Nedim was different than Cenk, and that was good to Ceren she will not be scared about her baby, if anything happened to her, she kept looking at him.

" would you like to listen to some music?" Nedim asked his eyes on the road. 


 To be continued .....

 To be continued

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