(teen!lock) Crush (Part 1)

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First day of school. How boring. Sherlock quickly looked around the class before noticing John waving at him from the last bench. He walked up and threw his bag onto the seat next to John's and sat down, one hand running through his hair in frustration. He leaned forward and banged his head onto the desk with vigour.

"What's wrong now?" John smiled in amusement.

"How? Just how are you all feeling so normal? Doesn't your mind just explode from how dull everything is today?" Sherlock moved his hands around his head for effect, imitating an explosion.

"It's a fairly nice day."

Sherlock snorted. "You're just saying that because you'll get to see Mary again after two months, and hopefully confess your feelings towards her, well, as for me, I've seen you enough times over these two months and I just want to be home now."

"Come on, Sherlock. Cheer up! It can't be that bad. Everyone's happy here, see?"

"Well, RIP to them, but I'm different," he shrugged, before pretending to fall asleep.


Sherlock lifted his head up when his watch beeped. 5 minutes until classes begin. How dreadful. Can't they just cancel today and send everyone home?

Slowly sitting up, he looked around the class and it's occupants.

Boring. Boring. Boring. Oh, dreadfully boring. Dull. Annoying. Boring. Dull. Mind-numbing. Frustrating. Ordinary. Mary. Dull. Dull. Boring again. John. Idiot. New kid. More boring new kid. Irritating. Beautiful. -wait, wHAT?!

Sherlock did a double-take, eyes falling on her again.

"John, John, look! JAWN!" He turned to see John in a daze, staring at Mary laughing.

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "John! Snap out of it!"

John quickly blinked and looked at his friend in utter confusion. "WHAT?!"

"Stop dreaming for once and look! There's someone new."

"Yeah, there are, like, three or four new kids, what's your point?"

"My point is her," Sherlock threw his head in your direction and John turned to look.

"Mm, yeah, she seems nice. What do you want me to do now, deduce her so that you can tell me all the points I missed and what I got wrong?"

"Wha- no! John, she's beautiful!"

John frowned. "Uh... thanks, Sherlock. But I'm only interested in Mary."

Sherlock groaned in annoyance and let his head fall onto the desk again with a soft bang.

John thought for a second.

"...wait. Wait. Hang on. Did you mean you find her beautiful?" John's eyes widened in realisation at where this was going.

"Yes, genius. How quickly you figured that out!" Sherlock glared at him, letting his hands fly up in exasperation before landing back on the desk on either side of his face.

1 month later

One month. John sighed. It's been one whole month. A lovesick Sherlock Holmes has been talking his ear off about (Y/N) (Y/LN), the apparent "love of his life", for one. Whole. Month.

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