Close Call (heist AU lol)

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Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in- You fastened the harness around your waist and tugged at the bungee cord, making sure you were safe. One, two- On the count of three, you stepped off the ledge and slowly lowered yourself down into the empty hall. Landing on your feet with a faint thud that echoed across the empty room, you pulled your night vision glasses down and surveyed the room.

Dark. Empty. Safe.

You brought out your phone, opening the leaked schematic of the museum and making your way through to the exhibit.

The exhibit. The newly discovered statue of a cupid that was on a pedestal somewhere in the next room, of some historical significance you didn't really know about. But a lot of people wanted to see it. A lot of people were interested in this. That made this all the more enticing.

Slowly, you knelt by the door, picking at the lock masterfully, glancing around for guards and confirming your planned escape routes.

The lock gave way with a click, a tad too loud for your liking. Shaking your head, you slid into the room quickly and shut the door behind you.

For a second, you lingered in the corner of the room, hidden by the shadows. One quick look for cameras that were still active. None. You pulled your mask tighter and made sure your dark glasses were in place, just in case.

With a confident nod, you stepped forward, intent on escaping with the exhibit.

Five seconds. You were across the room, gloved hands working on the locked case and gently prying it open. Careful, you whispered to yourself.


The sound of a door opening in the hallway outside. Slow footsteps.

Your heart raced and you glanced at the door you had just shut, panic building in your chest. Shut, as you'd left it.

You sighed in relief, sudden thoughts of what it would have been like if you hadn't closed the door behind you intruding your mind. The possibilities. Anyway, you were safe now and that's all that mattered. Grab the exhibit, get out of here. Fast.

You turned around just in time to see a dark shadow move quickly behind you.

The statue, it was gone. The exhibit was empty.

You felt panic building in your chest but quickly pushed it aside and turned around, coming face-to-face with the dark figure.

"If you were planning to steal it, you should've done it quicker. You're too cautious." The stranger had a deep voice. Very deep. Whoever it was, was about six feet tall and athletic. You couldn't see their face behind the tight mask and goggles.

"Ah! You must be the owner here, uh, sir. Pleased to meet you. I just, um, clean. My department asked me to... y'know, clean the- the case and," you searched in your pockets for your fake ID.

"Save it, I'm stealing too."

"Well, you're-" you stopped, thinking the situation through. "-not... allowed to do that."

"This is a trap" was the only sentence running through your head. Don't fall for it, don't fall for it, don't.

You couldn't trust them. Pretending to be a thief, just so that you would admit to it. It would take a lot more than "save it, I'm stealing too" to make you trust this person.


Another door shutting. This time, the footsteps were louder. A different guard.

You glanced at the door once again, shut. And once again, you were taken by surprise when the dark figure quickly pulled you by the wrist, both of you nearly falling over from the force.

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