(teen!lock) The Feeling's Mutual

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sooooo ori0nblack suggested a teenlock mutual pining oneshot and i thought why not slap in a valentine's day theme just for the heck of it, so ta-da!  here's 3k words of sherlock and (y/n) being idiots for a week (or a few years, idk) :')

the gif is from tumblr :) I'm still searching for the account


One week to Valentine's Day

The whole school was rumbling with noise. It was like every single person just realised Valentine's Day is one week away and decided to make plan's simultaneously.

Sherlock sighed and shook his head. In fact, right next to him, John Watson was eating his ear off rambling about some plan he wanted to make with Mary.

"So what do you think, should I go with the first one or will she like the second one more?"

Sherlock snapped back to reality, the rumbling fading and being replaced by a confusing silence. He didn't even know what the question was.

"Uhh, second one."

"That's exactly what I was thinking!" John high-fived him, Sherlock diverting his attention away yet again when (Y/N) walked into class.

"Ask her in PE, she has PE with us," Sherlock added, barely helping. Of course John knew Mary had PE with them. He also knew that the only reason Sherlock decided to add in that fact was because (Y/N) also happened to have PE with them and Sherlock was absolutely distracted at the moment.

6 days to Valentine's Day

Turns out Mary didn't turn up yesterday, so here we were, John used the day to rehearse his whole speech with both the plans and was explaining them both intently to Mary when Sherlock turned up.

"Second one sounds good, John," Mary smirked, more excited than she'd like to admit.

"I know, right? I know the perfect spot. Harry told me there's this place-"

Sherlock was doing it again. Zoning out. The rumbling of the school filling his ears, John's and Mary's voice fading into that rumble. It felt like his whole being was focused on (Y/N) (Y/LN). Love.

"Earth to Sherlock," Mary smiled, swinging her head in front of his view, before slowly following his eyeline to look at (Y/N).

"Hmm?" Sherlock looked like he'd had a fright, clearly not expecting someone to break him out of his daydream.

"I asked if you wanted to do a double date?"

"Hmm, take someone else who's already dating."

"No, I meant you, Sherlock." Mary sighed, dropping her face into her hands. "Us, and you," she waved her hands around, dramatically explaining every single point slowly and deliberately "and your date."

"I don't have a date."

"Yes, but you can ask (Y/N) out, surely?" Mary suggested.

John looked on in anticipation. He knew how much Sherlock loved you and how badly he wanted this. He'd have to agree, right? A double date made the most sense, considering how Sherlock definitely was too scared to ask you out alone and was terrified of having to spend time with you.

"We'll run out of conversation topics and she'll hate me."

"Yeah, that's why it's a double date, duh." John sighed.

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