"I-I-It's like I-I can't get a fucking break!" She moved back, her arms flying out while she talked and sobbed "Ever since my dad sold me, everything been hitting the fucking fan...No fuck that! Ever since he lied to me about what happened to my mom and brothers!"

I stood there and listened cause I ain't know what to do honestly.

"This world is filled with so many devils and I just had to be produced by one. We already gotta go through enough in this money hungry world and to have people added into the equation, plus yo own demons, is really...really hard" She said before looking at me "And I'm really trying not to stress and break down all the time because I don't want to go into early labor with the kids. I want them healthy and fully developed. But now it's like...like somebody is trying to just force them out so I can suffer even more"

Her chest moved up and down and lip trembled before she rubbed her bump slowly, her head down in defeat.

"M-Mommy's trying. She really is. And she's failing. I'm so sorry" She whimpered the last part.

"Anaya, don't say that shit" I told her, walking to her and holding her head back up "You doing yo shit with this pregnancy. And if something was wrong, they wouldn't be as active as they is. They love you and I love you. We know you trying and you succeeding, ight? Lil baby, you the toughest woman I ever met, besides my mama. You holding it down. You not holding shit that hit the fan in, but you letting it out. That's how you de-stress. You got yo own way. If you wanna cry and talk about it, do that shit. Imma always be here for you. You get right back on yo feet and live another day for you, me, and our kids. Our family! Don't ever say no shit like you failing again, understand me?"

She bit her bottom lip and nodded after a moment.

"Now come here so you can calm down" I said, hugging her as close as this 7 month old baby bump would let me.

Hugging me back, I felt her slowly relax and she sniffed before pulling away so I can wipe her tears and give her a kiss.

"Now the rest of this day is all about getting you comfortable so tomorrow, you is you" I told her smirking and she smiled.

"I love you"

"I love you more" I said back, smiling.

*30 minutes later*

"Ahhh period sis! I just did that" I said, popping my lips and cranking my neck to the side.

Anaya laughed and I chuckled before blowing on her nails and putting the lil toe separators between her toes.

"Now you look like a bad bitch" I said, swiping my hand under my neck "What's next?"

"You the one in charge, daddy" She said and I almost got out of character.

"You think you slick" I pointed at her before looking down at the bags on the floor "Uhhhh...."

"I mean, we got the mask on my face already and the cucumbers on my eyes. My hair is nice and clean. I didn't have a bath like I was suppose to before all of that but it's ok cause it's your first time" She waved it off while my face dropped "And I did take a bath before you came in"

"See, I knew that. That's why I got right into it" I lied, standing up from the stool and being careful not to touch her fingers and toes "We can start with that massage I been waiting to give you"

"Oohlala" She said amused before I made her sit up a little so I could get behind her. She was between my legs now and I had to do a mental prayer before I took her robe off, leaving her naked.

I licked my lips, seeing her ass that got and keep getting bigger the more pregnant she got. It look so nice sitting all plump and shit. And she still had her curves and cellulite on her booty.

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