Chapter five: I still can't believe your gone

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Time skip (still third person POV and remember El's 26 now.)

El was standing in font of the her big mirror in her small apartment that had one bedroom and one bathroom. She was wearing a nice white floral tank top and a pair of jean shorts, with her hair in a pony and her feet in some white flip flops, but of course she still had her promise ring set on her ring left ring finger.

"Hi, Mike. I'm coming to visit you today and then I'm going to the courthouse tonight with Nancy and your mom, so I can legally become a Wheeler." El says when she feels Mike's ghost rap it's arms around her waist. Yes, El knows when Mike's ghost is near, all her friends aren't really her friends anymore, because they think she's lost all her sanity, but she knows Mike's really there. He comes to see her every morning when she wakes up and every night when she falls asleep. It's like they have a little routine.

El picks up her car keys and drives to her job at the children's metal Health counseling facility, just down the road.

Once she arrives she goes to her corner office and places her keys in the top drawer in her desk. She then pulled up the file for the next client, who she was going to see. Her names Evelyn and currently she's 15 years old. She was sent here by the faster care system. Apparently her mother died when she was about 5 and her father was never in the picture at all, since then she's gone foster home to foster home, because she never feels like her foster parents understand her or what she's been though.

El looks though the documents a bit more. until two adults lead a young girl dressed in a black hoodie with the hood covering her hair and a pair of black stretchy yoga pants on into the room, leaving right after the girl sits down in a chair facing El's desk.

"Hello, you must be Evelyn." El says holding out her hand for Evelyn to shake. Evelyn does move, so El withdrawal her arm.

"You have to say something, sweetheart. All I wanna do help you come out of your shell a bit." El said smiling at the young teenage girl.

"Wow, your bubbly." Evelyn says with a smirk and she rolls her eyes.

"Thank you for saying something. Now would you please take off your hood." El asks wanting to know more about this young teen.

"Why?" Evelyn responses not  wanting to follow what has been asked of her.

"Because I wanna see your face, not just a hood." El says knowing this girl will need more help than most of her patients do.

"I not going to and you can't make me." Evelyn replies not bugging.

"Why not?" El says needing an explanation.

"Because." Evelyn utters quietly not wanting to be bothered.

"Because isn't an answer. At least tell what you have against it." El declares knowing there's gotta a reason somewhere deep inside her sol, she just needed to dig for it.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Evelyn says and looks away not wanting to make direct I contact with El.

"Fine we won't talk about it, just please take the hood off." El says calmly, but assertively.

"No!" Evelyn says and looks like she's about to cry.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to see your beautiful hair." El says as Evelyn runs out of the counseling office, with small tears falling from her lovely blue eyes.

"Evelyn please come back I didn't mean to upset you!" El yells as she gets up of her chair and runs after her young patient.

"Hey, Tam. Has a girl in a black hoodie, run bye?" El asks the secretary, who's about 5 years old than her, once she reaches the waiting room filled with children.

"Yes, I saw her run out of the door. That's all I know, i I hope that helps." Tammy says while she's  looking at something on her desk top computer.

"thank you." El replies as she practically flys out of the crowded room.

El didn't know why she felt like she had to find this girl. It's not like others haven't rum out on her, but this time it hurt. It felt like almost as if she knew her somehow, but she didn't, she'd never seen this girl before in her life. So why'd she feel like she was connected to her. Maybe she just wanted to help her. That's it she wanted to make Evelyn feel like she belongs somewhere, because right now I think she just feels unwanted and El knows what that that feels like.


El down 5 blocks, going in ever shop and walked throw every park, but there was no sign of her. She decided to give Evelyn's current foster parents a call.

"Hello, this is Lisa." Said the voice on the other line. Lisa was one of the three foster kids Evelyn lives with. All El knows about her is she's 10 years old and a family's looking to adopt her, next month.

"Hi, I'm El. I work for the children's mental health center Evelyns at and was wondering if I could talk to George or Sally?" El asks impatiently, know in her heart that she need to find this teenage girl, for some reason.

"Hello?" Asks George on the other line. His voice was loud and damaging.

"Yes, this is El has Evelyn come by the house and if not do you know where she might have gone?" El questions with urgency in her tone.

"No, but she always goes to this old stick hut thing in the Wood behind a old abandoned house." George states with boredom. El could tell he didn't really care about finding Evelyn.

"Castle buyers?" El asked remembering will's old safe space, he had show her when they came for Christmas back in 86.

"Ya, sure, whatever. Is that all?" George asks not wanting to take to this lady or anyone for that matter.

"Yes, yes thank you." El says as George immediately ends the call.

El starts diving to where the buyers may still live, she doesn't know because she hasn't talked to Will 8 years. She only contacts Karen, Hopper, Nancy or Holly and sometimes Jonathan tags along with Nancy.

El reaches the house she remembers fondly from her teenage years.

"Here goes nothing" El states in her head and takes a deep breath. She hesitantly knocks on the door that's know covered in chipped green paint.

Hope you liked this chapter. I really liked the castle buyers part.

Published: 8/7/20

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