6. Korean (There Are Two Types)

Start from the beginning

All the more confusing, he still stood by his side, smiling and energetic than ever before. The absolute opposite of himself.

I mean, most people can feel that easily just by looking at social media l. But it's like they always say, 'Don't care on other people's opinions about yourself, your unique just the way you are, be happy being you and just Be Yourself.'

It heavy silence hung in the air and Philip did not wish to make him feel upset because of his statement.

Philip gets it a lot on wanting to be different all the time, with his country in ruins and with no idea how to solve everything, he's of course... is only known as a third world country he is, he should just happy being himself even if people keep throwing opinions at him to make him feel terrible. As cliched as it sounds when you hear it from every Cartoon show, they're right.

Philip wanted to lighten up the mood by cooking up some kind of converstion. Philip's eyes suddenly zeroed onto North Korea's eyes, his circle shaped eyepatched with a drawn star on it placed intact.

'Will that work?' he thought unsure, before glancing at the man who continued to chew on his food with uneasiness.

'Well, better than nothing, his shoulders look pretty stiff...' Maybe it'd make a cool story?

"Hey, North." Philip called out to him, North flinching at his name called, before faking a cough and grunting in regard.

"What happened to your other eye?" Philip questioned, pointing at the eyepatch.

North Korea was silent for a moment, until he finally spoke.

"I'd... rather not talk about it." North Korea replied quietly staring at the dessert frowning a bit.

He wasn't a social butterfly, he was the type of person who can keep quiet and doesn't get too mouthful on words when talking to someone, but also because he didn't have many friends. He doesn't smile often nor laugh but, he knew that's the only thing that was taught to him in when he was still growing up as a country.

Philip felt even more terrible than before seeing North Korea's frown, sometimes he hates it when people get upset because of him, he wants to cheer them up until they feel better, he is labeled as the cheerful sunshine, people expect him to smile and always be cheerful, but sometimes... he feels like he wants to be different, really strange for him to think like that...

'What have you done Philip?! Start a conversation!? You winged it and look where that got you! So damn insensitive of you! Ok, think...there has to be some way to cheer him up- ' Philip's racing thoughts were cut off when he thought of something brilliant.

"I know!" Philip snapped his fingers, looking as if he had made the greatest idea known to mankind. North snapped out of his gaze and looked at Phil seemingly a bit confused.

"Wanna watch some Korean dramas with me?" Philip offered the quiet man ethusiastically.


His single eye twitched.

'You gotta be shittin' me,' North Korea doesn't watch those things, if anything, they're too emotional, he never watched any of those. He was a busy man. And South was the exact opposite of him. Carefree and Cheerful.

So automatically, he refused.

"That's a hard NO." North Korea said getting a little angry, but mostly irritated glaring at the smaller country sitting across the table. Philip flinched just now hearing such a threatening response from the North Korea himself. Unsuprising, but uncomfortable to direct nonetheless.

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