Chapter Twenty-Six: Shocking Revelations

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All of them had headed towards the door with makeshift weapons but calmed down when they saw Leo's tail wagging. That was the day Shay's mom and Nick came back. She had missed them so much. She threw herself into her mother's arms. The only and a very painful change was that dad was not there any more. He would never catch her when she would throw herself into his arms. Shay missed Marina a lot too, it saddened her to remember how Marina would always love to braid her hair or select her dresses.

Shay realized with a jolt that Nick wasn't sitting in front of her now, her mother was. Jessica tilted Shay's chin so that she was looking right into her mother's eyes. "You keep zoning out a lot these days. Are you alright?"

Shay smiled at her mother, "I'm fine. Seriously, you worry wayy too much." Jessica laughed at that, "It's in the job description of being a mother."


Shay and Will watched as Kai and Rose played with Leo by the beach, Jade and Theo were taking pictures of the sunrise saying they wanted to test their cameras. Will glanced at his watch and raised a perfect eyebrow when he caught Shay looking at him.

"No, it's nothing. I just wanted to know what the time was," Shay lied and Will laughed, "Sure, sure. You asked the same question four minutes ago." Shay smiled sweetly at him, "I'm not a clock now, am I? Sometimes the time passes quickly and sometimes slowly. Am I not supposed to wonder what the time is?"

Will chuckled.

After two minutes or so, Shay caught Will staring at her. "Yes?" Will grinned at her, "No, its nothing. I just wanted to know what the time was." Shay rolled her eyes, "No, seriously. You look like you want to ask something. What is it?"

"How is it that I never knew your name was short for Shailene? We both literally knew each other since we were infants, and I've come to know about this about a month ago," Will said, his eyebrows were furrowed with confusion.

Shay laughed, "It actually makes sense why you wouldn't know about this. It was dad, you know. The hospital which I was born in, the same one you were born in five months before my birth, was pretty old and kinda traditional. So, they didn't have all the modern computers and all, so we were supposed to write the name on the birth certificate ourselves. And dad was so happy and excited and nervous after my birth, just as every parent is after their child's birth. Mom and dad were choosing between the names 'Shay' and 'Shailene' and they decided to name me Shay

But, when dad went to write my name on the birth certificate, he told me that he kept on murmuring 'don't write Shailene, don't write Shailene' and he ended up writing Shailene on my birth certificate. But, everywhere else, my name is registered as Shay only, except for very official records. Dad was seriously ashamed of this, and he would usually end up wallowing in sorrow whenever this topic was brought up. That must have been the reason Marina and Nick didn't tell you about this. Jade had asked me the same question two months ago."

Before Will could reply something, Will's phone started ringing. He fished the phone out of his pockets and stared at it and Theo shouted, "Stop daydreaming and answer the damn phone, William!" Theo shouted as he ran towards them, curious about who might be the caller this early in the morning. The others followed suit.

Will sighed and put the call on speaker. "George?" Will spoke into the phone. George's voice answered, both relieved and sorry, but there was tension in it. "Will, I'm so sorry if I woke you up but this is seriously important."

"No, don't be sorry. You didn't wake up me, all of us are already awake. What's up?"

But George was interrupted by Jade, "Don't tell me you've been awake all night and kept searching for clues." The other side went silent.

Beneath The Blackwood Sky | ✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα