16. First day home

Start from the beginning


"And she wants to discuss plans of what you will be doing in terms of the exercises and such," mum explains.

"Okie dokie," I say, forcing a smile which fell after she exits the room. 

Lord, give me strength! 

I look around the living room, bored out of my mind, trying to find something to do. I sure could use a drive around or someone to hang out with right about now.

My phone buzzes and I pick my phone up. It is a text from Mark.

'Hey Isabella,
It's me, pretty sure you know who, but just wanted to check in on you. So yeah, how are you doing so far?'

I chuckle slightly before replying,

'Hey there,
Nah, I don't know who you are, please enlighten me. Kidding, kidding. Seriously though, it's so boring. I'm just sitting here and my devil of a physical therapist is coming later, at who knows when. In all honesty, I'm so glad to be out of that hospital. I can finally eat food that isn't tasteless and like you are eating cardboard. Finally, I can sleep in my own comfortable bed, instead of those hard as rock ones. On the plus side I won't have to see that doctor from the hospital ever again... I think.'

'Yeah, well Isabella, it's great to have you back home and next door. Missed seeing your pretty face around this neighbourhood. Hopefully you will have a speedy recovery. Want me to drop by?"

"Don't worry Mark, I'm fine." 

Silence after I send the last text.

Dad paces around the room, his big heavy feet making the floorboards creak with every step he takes. 10 creaking sounds later, it gets on my nerve. 

"Dad! You know how much I hate the sound your feet make with the floor. You see that book over there, make yourself useless and pass it to me," I state, rolling my eyes, puffing. 

"Sorry baby girl," dad apologises, as he makes his way over to the small table in the corner of the living room, picking the book up and handing it over to me. 

"Thanks dad," I smile as I open the book, Lone survivor, up to the bookmarked page I was up to a few weeks before. 

Just as I have read the first line of the page I was on, the doorbell rings. I try to stand up to answer it, but then a sharp pain shoots straight through my body like a billion pins and needles reminding me of the pain and injuries I have succumb to. 


I watch as mum makes her way over to the door, opening it but after that, I couldn't see who it was since the door was open and it blocks my view of anything that is going on. All I can hear is the mumbling between mum and a man, the only words that I could hear was 'Isabella' and 'bad way.'  

What bad way? Were they talking about me? Why did they mention my name?

"I can hear you, you know? I ain't deaf!" I shout, crossing my arms, the book dropping onto my legs. The pain shooting through my body once more, making me wince at the pain. 

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