You both stop walking as you reach a nearby park not to far from your original path, halting next to a sleek, black and expensive looking car that looked as though it had just been imported. With a click of a switch, Levi unlocked the doors and looked to you expectantly.

"Get in." It was more of a statement than a demand. Or was it a demand? You couldn't tell with his voice.

What compelled you to walk to the passenger side was a question you were going to ask yourself in the afterlife, truly you did not know at the moment.

You looked to him nervously, "Where are you gonna take me?"

If it was you an hour ago, maybe this would have been a dream. Levi Ackerman just told you to get into his shiny car that looked like it came straight from a magazine. The version of Levi that you made in your head was a mysterious bad boy who you would run away with in a heartbeat, he was someone you would mull over for constantly, and who could blame you. Hell, who could blame anyone.

But now, you weren't so sure anymore. You hesitantly opened the passenger door and slid onto the leather seat, fearing that disobeying would lead to a worser fate.

Levi did the same, though not in a hesitant manner. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and started the car. You watched him as he grabbed a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, grabbing a singular one and placing it between his lips, he had also taken out a lighter conveniently placed in the cup holder.

You frowned when a puff of cigarette smoke made its way to the passenger side, "I think I wanna open the windows."

Levi had the courtesy of sliding down the windows as per your request, then looked over to you.

"Stay by my side from now on," he said casually. "I need you."

Maybe if you hadn't just witness him knock a man out cold, then you would have said yes willingly and ignorantly. Even if you hated the dean, you didn't even know if he was alive or not. You wanted so badly to ask Levi why he was acting as if you didn't just see him hurt someone else.

Instead here he was, perhaps confessing to you in some sort of twisted way. Which would mean that one of the most alluring students in your school wanted to go out with you. And it didn't sound like he was really asking.

"I..." It took a while to find the words you wanted to say, "I don't know."

Your eyes averted from him to your lap, fiddling with the hem of your skirt. "We don't really know each other, you don't even know my name. Plus you're acting like I didn't just see you punch a guy...who could possibly be dead."

"Well you seem to know my name," he scoffed.

"Well, everyone knows your name," you thought. You were also mildly irritated that he disregarded punching the dean.

"I don't really...know you that well." You stammered.

"What does it matter?"

"It matters a lot," you looked up to him in a rapid motion, slightly taken aback from his comment.

Levi just stared back at you momentarily before leaning towards you. He notes the flare in your gaze–a fire that he had set.

Instantly, you realized what he was planning to do, so you backed away until your head bumped into the side door as you began to fumble the door handle behind you. Levi slipped his hand behind your neck, pulled you forward and kissed you forcefully on the lips. You froze, not at all sure how to respond, but the burning fire within you began to burn more viciously.

You struggled against him. Your fingers made their way to the collar of his shirt, pushing his chest away in hopes of signaling him to stop, but he hung onto you, travelling his hands to your waist as he forced his way into your mouth. You resisted and resisted some more until giving up and giving into the sudden feelings washing over you, even ignoring the taste of cigarettes on his lips.

You couldn't tell if he was now the blackhole in what felt like doomsday. As seconds passed by like hours you felt as if your energy had just been drained. While you kissed him, so many interwoven emotions had washed over you. Confusion, annoyance, and not so much terror anymore. Eventually, you were really starting to get the hang of it, until he broke away which took you by surprise.

Without any word spoken, he put the car in reverse and steered out of the street. Lightheaded, you remained quiet throughout the entire car ride. What's more is that when you checked your phone, it was 4:31 PM. You were supposed to be home by now.

omg i'm back with this new chapter lmfao

not me writing this 2000 word chapter instead of studying for my midterms dskflsdjf

anyways, enjoy this one hehe i had a fun time writing it. i was inspired by ari's song in my head so yeah.

anyways, as always thank you sooo much for reading. i'll give u levi pillows hehe.

see you in the next chapter, hopefully.

s ♡

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