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LO L i realized last chapter i said i had finals oops i meant midterms lmao anyways yes chemistry is so hard please idk why i went into university for science hnfdkls

ok well im finally done them all so back to weekly updates as usuallllll

anyways im glad if u guys are enjoying this so far :( <3



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fifteen ☽ talk to me boy

"Levi! You made it!"

Shamelessly, Petra Ral, in all her feminine glory pulled Levi aside and into a hug. She had a shot glass that had almost spilled onto Levi's shirt, to which she giggled an apology when she realized.

"Yeah," he replied and patted her back gently.

You stood, quite awkwardly in your stance as you watched them begin to catch up. Eren and Mikasa had made there way to more entertaining parts of the house, the ping pong table, beer pong, the alcohol table, pizza, and more alcohol.

They found Sasha near the pizza, coupled with a bunch of sweaty bodies of strangers. It didn't seem to bother her though, and she savoured the pizza in her mouth with a flushed face.

Instinctively, your body turned towards her. It was better than watchin Levi not talk to you, anyways.

"Ah! Is this (Y/N)?" Petra said as she grabbed your unsuspecting hand, the same one that was holding the shot glass. It was long gone by now. "You look so pretty tonight!"

You sputtered out a laugh, averting your gaze from Sasha to the school president herself. "A-ah, happy birthday."

"I love your necklace," she leaned in with sparkling eyes. "Where did you get it from?"

Levi eyed you, attentively. He watched as you bit your lip and as you hesitated between him and Petra.

"Levi bought it for me," you started. "I like yours, too."

She smiled, a shameless smile. "Levi bought mine for me, too."

With her brazen and confident delivery, you felt an urge to shake your head. A heavy sensation filled your lungs, and it wasn't because of the hazy cigarette smoke in the air. You swore you were going to suffocate, but you weren't going to admit that you were jealous. Definitely not.

Levi walked to your side, grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him. His grip was tight and his pull was just as sharp as the look he sent over to Petra.

"I'm kidding!" Petra laughed, "You looked like you were talking to a ghost. Don't worry, Levi's all yours."

You almost didn't hear her teasing voice amongst within the walls of her crowded home - forgotten laughter, drunken conversations, and the thick bass of the music. You didn't hear Levi at all, his voice had drowned itself out within the noise, all you could see was the mouthing of unknown words.

Genuinely intrigued, you tilted your head at Petra. "Really?"

She smiled and leaned in, "I tend to go for the other direction."

Which didn't line up with what Sasha had told you before, and also with the whispered rumors at the academy's cafeteria.

"Oh, but you do know what people say about you two, right?"

"Rumors are rumors," she shrugged.

Even so, you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. Maybe she was lying, she sounded too nice. You couldn't help but doubt her smiling eyes as she let go of your hand.

"Well, anyways." Petra picked up her shot glass from earlier, the smell of rum resonating in the air. "Enjoy the party, I wanna have a refill."

Before she distracted herself with the drunken student council who waited for her at the alcohol table, she gave Levi a side long glance. "Don't forget to say hi to Isabel."

With that, she was gone into the crowd, leaving you and your glare that almost intimated Levi.

You were so unafraid to say what was on your mind. You wanted him to tell you about his relationship with Petra, from the rumors to now. And Isabel, too.

He stood in front of you, wanting to glare back with the same piercing gaze yours held. Alas, he couldn't.

"Really, Levi?" You grunted a bit when somebody bumped into you, forcing you closer to Levi.

"What, (Y/N)?" He placed his hands on your back to guide you away from an incoming assemblage.

The houselights were dimmed, replaced with coloured strobe lights that touched every sharp point of Levi's features. He's such a man - unofficially your man. Something about him in the everchanging colours made you want to take a picture of him, or at least in the moment, but his jaw kept moving as he spoke.

You didn't care though, anything he had to say flew right past you and all you could think about was him in this moment. It was moments like these where nothing about money, his uncle, and anything that had to do with your broken family. Reality was blurred out and everything in it existed only as a space for you and Levi.

For hell's sake, this was not the time to be looking at him like this, but you couldn't help it.

In a house full of slick and sticky bodies that packed each hallway, girls with low cut shirts and short skirts, and laughter from every room, you wanted Levi all to yourself. You feared his attention would drift elsewhere and to be quite honest, you felt like sticking with him the entire night, even if your friends were here.

"Levi?" You murmured, staring into him. He raised a brow because he couldn't hear you under the music, so you raised your voice. "Levi, did you ever have feelings for Petra?"

He rolled his eyes and shook you off him, "this isn't the time for this."

"No, you're not going to ignore my question." You grabbed the hem of his shirt before he could walk away. "Tell me, now."

"Jesus fuck. No, (Y/N)."

"So you didn't?"


"And who's Isabel?"

Levi's chest rose up and down swiftly, he had exhaled sharply and so quickly it was as if he was trying to escape from the growing aggravation you were fueling. He preferred not to talk about his life and he was used to people not caring enough to ask. This was new for him, but he didn't have to deal with it right now.

So he took your hand off his shirt and stared back at you, "When will you stop asking such stupid questions?"

"Did you like her, too?" By now, you had raised your voice significantly in order to avoid dissolving into the music.

"Why does it matter, (Y/N)?"

You laughed breathily and stumbled back for a second.

He was right, why did any of it matter? Levi was not your boyfriend and you certainly were not his girlfriend. When was it your right to pry into his feelings about other girls?

Perhaps it was the mixture of alcohol and cigarettes that took your mind into a cloudy consciousness that only routed for impulsive decisions. Or maybe it was the bass, vibrating floors and walls, and the constant chatter from incoherent drunks that unfocused your brain.

Whatever it was, it made you pull Levi into you, having your face inches to him. And it didn't matter that you were in a room full of however many partygoers, they were too occupied with the vodka and cigarettes.

"(Y/N)," Levi gulped. "Why does it matter?"

"Because I like you, Levi."

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