We continue to walk and I notice that we get further away from the shops. In the distance I see large grey walls and as we get closer I notice those same walls hold housing inside. We entered and I noticed people staring at me and I began to squeeze the bag's handles tighter. I keep following the young mother to a fairly large household. That's when I finally realized where I was and why everyone was staring at me.

I was at the Uchiha compound and I'm a Senju. What's even worse was the fact that my great-grandfather was responsible for pushing the Uchiha away. The lady slid open the door and waved for me to follow. I enter the house and quickly slide off my shoes.

"You can place the bags on the table," she said and I nodded while placing the bags on the table.

"Thanks again for helping! I don't think I would have made it." she laughed to ease the tension in the room.

"Oh also, my name is Mikoto Uchiha," she stated. 'I'm not sure if I should say my name, she probably already knows. But, it would be rude not to say anything.' I sigh.

"Well, you probably already know, my name is Y/n Senju." I said while rubbing the back of my head. She doesn't say anything but only smiles while starting to unpack the groceries.

"Do you mind holding Itachi while I put away the groceries?"

"uh, ok?" I say now holding the small infant. I sit down and cradled Itachi, as I did this I noticed his eyes began to open.

I sit there in awe, I have never seen such an adorable baby. Itachi begins to move his tiny arms, reaching towards me. I let him grab hold of my finger, I felt my chest warm and smiled. Itachi notices this and begins to giggle.

"I'm surprised! He usually begins throwing a fit if I'm not holding him," Mikoto says. Once she finishes putting things away, I see her pull out a pot and begin adding water.

"Would you like some tea?" she asks and I nod

"I hope you don't mind... I like oolong tea." she asks or more like stated.

"No, I don't mind," I smiled and she nodded.

.....6 minutes later...

The tea finished steeping and she took out two teacups, pouring tea into each porcelain cup. I pass Itachi back to Mikoto. Who then walks away to put Itachi in his room for a nap. She comes back, sits down, and begins to drink her cup of tea.

For the rest of the afternoon you sat and talked to Mikoto. Talking about random things and it was probably the happiest you have been in a while. Mikoto was so kind, she reminded you of what it felt like to have a mother again.

Once it was time to leave, you thanked Mikoto for the hospitality. On the way home you saw the shopkeepers whispering and glancing at you like you did something wrong. 'What is their problem? Did I do something wrong?' I pondered. This was something that you would never forget.

You enter your house and see Kakashi in the kitchen chopping vegetables. "So, what was the 'thing' you had to do that was so important?" he said, hinting at something. I sighed and sat down at the table.

"Did you see the lady who was shopping? Well... I ended up helping her and stayed over at her house drinking oolong tea." I then hear a 'hmph' sound and see Kakashi grab two saucepans placing it on the stove.

"Do you need help?" I ask and hear another 'hmph'. 'ok, what is his deal? Is he furious because I didn't train with him today?'

"Kakashi? Are you mad because I didn't train with you today." I asked.


"Then what is your deal?"

"Nothing. I'm just thinking about it." He replied in a monotone voice. 'I know you're upset but I can't deal with you when you act this way.' I thought and placed my head against the wooden table in defeat.

25 minutes later of silence

Dinner was finally ready, Kakashi ended up making beef stir fry/chicken stir fry/vegetable stir fry (you can pick which one you want to eat). We ate in silence but, it wasn't the usual peaceful silence, it was uncomfortable. After eating Kakashi quickly cleaned up and walked to his room, shutting his door. This made me feel guilty. 'Is there something I missed? Should I have continued to pester him about why he was upset? Shouldn't I know by now what's bothering him?!...Ugh!' I thought and rubbed my face.

I then walked to Kakashi's room and lightly tapped on the door. I don't hear a reply and decide not to enter. 'Ugh I give up!' ' I walked to my room, shut the door and changed into my pajamas. I walk over to my bed and grab my book and open it up to my bookmark. I wasn't actually reading more like staring at the words written on the lightly tan pages deep in thought.

I hear Kakashi's door creak open and hear his footsteps outside my door. My door is then lightly swung open. Kakashi peaks his head in and scratches the side of his cheek. He pushes the door open and sits on my bed next to me. I quickly close my book, placing it on my nightstand.

"Kaka-" I'm then interrupted by Kakashi holding his hand up.

"Y/n... it's fine, it's just I wanted to hang out with you today. We haven't been able to hang out recently because of all the missions being assigned to us." he then paused and looked down at his hands.

"When you initially left, I didn't have an issue but, when I made it to the training grounds. It didn't feel the same. I felt bitter and took it out on you and for that I'm sorry." He finished and slowly began to shift his weight. But, before he could get up I grabbed his hand. I pulled Kakashi back down and hugged him.

"Kakashi, I'm sorry, thanks for being honest with me. I promise we will hang out! Just you and me. Ok?" I replied. Kakashi then began to blush, but you couldn't tell due to the navy blue mask covering his face.

"Y-yeah..whatever." he stuttered. I then saw Kakashi shift his weight and broke the hug. He leaned over the top of me which made me blush. I then saw he had my book.

"So, what are you reading?" he asked, turning the book over and noticed it was the same book I was reading.

"Why are you reading the same book?" he asked.

"I didn't finish it and honestly you're one to talk, you read that same romance novel again and again!" I pointed at him in annoyance.

"So, let's finish it then," he said, moving closer to me, opening the page back up.

....20 minutes later...

"It was the detective!" We both shouted in unison and laughed. 'plot twist there.' Kakashi placed it on the nightstand next to him. (yes you have one on either side of the bed). We hung out for the rest of the evening.

It was the first time in a long time you have seen Kakashi smile, a real smile. This made your heart flutter. 

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