Jimmy x Fem!Ad!Reader

Start from the beginning

Shit goes down.

"Yeah. Black-haired girl. Usually wore yellow...what about her?"

"You see, Y/N. Her species took PC and gave it a bad name," Principal stood from his desk and walked around the borders of the office.

Y/N stayed silent.

"You don't think I know your game, Y/N?"

Y/N looked at PC Principal with a scared impression, for a shocked look would throw a bunch of red flags.

"You've been a good student, Y/N. I've always wondered what exactly is your relationship with...," PC Principal turns his back to Y/N.
"Jimmy Valmer?"

"We're friends..." Y/N twiddled her thumbs.

"Good friends?"


("Do you...live together?

Are you her(his) little...*cough*...bed bug?")

"I see. Because as you should already know, I have been in some tough times several years back. Jimmy was...part of it."

Y/N stayed silent. One wrong move and her existence is over.

"Get me some info on this kid, kid. He knows something I don't. I must understand his secrets."

"What secrets, Principal?"

"His ability to distinguish ads from people! Ever since the incident at the gun show, I've devoted my life into hunting down ads," PC Principal starts walking to his shelved weapon collection.

"I know I can't get rid of ads alone. I need support. You'd understand right? I know your tired of ads and just want regular ol' news right?" His hand rests on his blue-goo-stained pickaxe.

"Of course, PC Principal," Y/N gulps with fear.

"I can't ask him myself. I've got to be hunting down by...ummm...I shouldn't say too much. This secret is between you and me. Got it? Also, I'll fill out your race/ethnicity on your character sheet whenever you play superheroes."

That last part didn't really matter to Y/N but whatever.

Y/N dared not ask why it was her responsibility. But she also realized that not asking why it was her job could signal inhumane action. Instead, she found a brilliant source.

"May I be excused now?"

"Of course, Y/N."

Y/N internally sighs relief and starts making her way home.

Jimmy's House

"H-Hey Y/N! Nice of you t-to come-come on over," Jimmy smiles with redness in his face as Y/N stood before him.

"Oh hey Jimmy," Y/N tried acting cute by turning her head one way and placing her hair behind her ear said side. (Remember to look down too.)

"W-W-Well come on in," Jimmy got out of the way so that Y/N could enter in.

"What should we do?" Jimmy asked.

No way Y/N could ask how Jimmy uses his communication skills to define ads from people now.

"Let's go to your room. Somewhere private. I want to say some words to you."

"Sorry, what was that?" Jimmy looks up from his phone.

"Really Jimmy? I'm right here."

"S-Sorry Y/N. My p-parents are c-coming soon," Jimmy stands embarrassed.

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