I Will Win the War (Part 2)

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This chapter is shorter by a long shot than its part 1.

**Taylor's POV**

Erika led us all up to her and Reneé's dressing room, but Comet and Casper ducked into Catherine - who took over for Kerry when she left for Beetlejuice - and Barrett's dressing room, reappearing a few moments later with a cardboard box.

"Go, go, go!" the two shouldered past Erika, Milo, and me into Erika's dressing room.

"What are they carrying?" Milo asked as I chased after them shouting,

"Save some for me!"

In the box we stole, there was a box of knock-off Cheez-Its, gummies, chips, and a bag of popcorn.

"SCORE!" Casper cheered, grabbing a bag of chips and tore it open.

I chose a bag of gummies and picked around the contents while Comet did the same with the popcorn. She put her arm up on the back of the couch and used her knees to hold the bag steady as she ate.

"Watch your crumbs, please," Erika requested, spinning a dial on the wall so that we could hear what was happening onstage.

"Do we have to?" I whined jokingly and Erika shot me a playful glare.

Casper held the bag of chips out behind him and Milo took a handful, carefully eating to minimize crumbs. Erika lip synced to I See Stars as it carried from the stage and we waited not so patiently for everyone to come up.

"Woah," Reneé blinked a few times when she entered the dressing room to find us all in her dressing room, "Um, hello."

I got up off the couch to give her a hand with her wig and spinal brace while Erika explained why she didn't perform.

"Oh my God!" Reneé gasped when the story was finished, "Are you two okay?"

Casper grinned through a mouthful of chips, "100%, Reneé."

"Popcorn?" Comet asked, holding the bag out to her.

"WHO STOLE MY POPCORN!" Barrett shouted in the hallway.

"In here!" I dodged the pillow Comet sent my way.

Barrett burst into the dressing room and Comet and Casper looked like deer caught in headlights. But, Barrett's face morphed from one of anger to one of worry when she saw Comet's arm and Casper's nose.

"What happened?" she demanded, rushing forward and looking between the two middle schoolers and Erika.

"We were jumped," Comet shrugged, "It wasn't too bad, though."

Barrett sat down behind Comet on the arm of the couch and kissed the top of her head, "I'm glad you're okay."

"We all are," Erika agreed, spinning in her chair.

We spent the rest of the night goofing off between the dressing rooms and the stage. Casper had mentioned having a Gay-Off, but - sadly - that was quickly shut down. Someone must've texted Kerry because she showed up and mom-ed out over Comet and Casper's injuries. We also ate our weight, or very close to it, in the food that could be scavenged from each dressing room.

**Erika's POV**

Comet was unconscious by the time the stage manager, Holly, came by to kick us out. We all split up and we forced Milo to let Kyle walk them home. Barrett came home with me and helped me support Comet's weight when I needed it as I carried my daughter home.

"You're good at this whole parenting thing," Barrett told me as I shifted my grip on Comet to my front as we boarded the subway.

"It's the hardest thing I've ever done," I admitted.

"You hide it well," Barrett laughed.

She unlocked my apartment door for me when we arrived and stood aside when I stepped over the threshold. Barrett closed the door and started making tea while I carried Comet into her bedroom. I changed my daughter into pajamas and made her a nest out of pillows and blankets so that she wouldn't roll. I gently unwrapped Comet's right arm and sucked in a breath when I saw the long, stitched-up wound. I propped her injured hand up on a pillow and kissed Comet's forehead.

"Sleep well, my Meadowlark," I brushed whisps of hair back and watched her sleep fore a little while, then joined Barrett in the kitchen.

"Is Comet down?" she asked, passing me a mug of tea.

I nodded, "Thanks for your help today."

Barrett shrugged, "Anything for you and the kid," she drained her tea before continuing, "I ought to get home before it gets too late. See you tomorrow, Erika."

I hugged her and lead her to the door, "See you tomorrow, Barrett."

I have been asked if Kyle and Erika's relationship will be in this story and the answer is no. While I do love their chemistry just as much as the next person, this story is more based around Erika and Comet's relationship and their relationship with the cast.

Sorry to disappoint.

I hope you are all staying safe and healthy,


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