Big Brother

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**Erika's POV**

I'd adopted Comet almost a month and a half ago and things were good. We had a routine and we were happy. Comet was a welcome part of everyone's day at the August Wilson Theatre and she was loved by all those who met her. Comet and I were in Barrett and Kerry's dressing room. They just got a package from a fan in Canada and we were all enjoying the food they get. Comet was sitting in Kerry's lap as Barrett tossed marshmallows into her mouth.

Comet was catching every single one.

"Comet, there's a boy at the door. He says his name is Maverick and that he knows you," the doorman's voice came over the PA.

Comet's eyes widened and the marshmallow Barrett had tossed hit her nose and bounced to the floor. "He's here...?" Comet whispered, jumping off Kerry's lap and running out of the dressing room.

"Do you know what that was about?" asked Barrett, leaning forward and picking the marshmallow out of the carpet.

"No," I got up and followed my daughter out of the dressing room.

Comet beat me to the stage door and was opening it when I arrived. On the sidewalk stood a boy who looked around 19 or 20. He had muscles that were visible under his loosely form-fitting hoodie, but he wasn't obnoxiously buff. He had a satchel suspended across one shoulder and headphones draped around his neck.

"Mav!" Comet jumped into his arms.

"Hey, Com," the boy, Maverick, caught her and the two hugged.

"What are you doing here?" Comet asked once he put her down.

"I heard that you were adopted and I figured I should say hello," Maverick explained.

"Hi," I came forward and wrapped an arm protectively around Comet's shoulder, "I'm Erika Henningsen, Comet's adoptive mother. Who are you?"

"Oh, right, sorry," he shook his head, "My name is Maverick Henders. I'm Comet's older brother."

I didn't get a chance to process that because Comet grabbed Maverick's hand and dragged him inside saying, "Come meet everyone!"

I followed more slowly, earning a sympathetic look from the doorman. Comet stopped dragging Maverick at Barrett and Kerry's dressing room, who were both shocked to hear that Comet had an older brother. I stood between Barrett and Kerry against the dressing table as we watched Kerry talk to Maverick. Barrett patted my back and gave me a look.

"Why weren't you in foster care with Comet?" Kerry was asking.

"Well," Maverick rubbed the back of his neck, "Our parents wanted me to become a doctor but I had wanted to pursue a career in cinematography and there's a boarding school in LA that specializes in teaching the skills I would need. I brought it up with them, they said no, but I kept bringing it up, as well as other options - summer camps, after-school courses. Eventually, they disowned me and kicked me out when I was fifteen. I got a job and lived with a friend until I had enough money for a plane ticket to LA and start a life there. I tried to check up on Comet whenever I could, but I didn't have very many options. I only found out she'd been adopted once my friend showed me your Instagram page after recognizing Comet."

"Can I talk to you outside, Maverick?" I moved to the door and pushed him into the corner when he joined me in the hallway.

"What's going on?"

"Look, Maverick - Comet and I are happy. I fought for her and I won. Don't even try to gain custody of her. I am happy to let you be apart of her life, but I am her sole guardian. If you try to take her, I will take you to court, I will fight you, and I will win." I didn't want to threaten him, only... scare or warn.

"I know," agreed Comet's brother, taking me by surprise, " I can see how COmet acts around you all and I know it would tear her apart if we fought over custody."

"What? So you're not going to fight for her?" I was slightly horrified, "What kind of brother are you?"

"A bad one," I could see Maverick's confidence waver slightly in his eyes, "I always felt horrible when I would see her. I was in Times Square when Comet ran beside Junior's. I was about to go help, but you got their first. My baby sister's always been shy and slow to trust people, but when I see her with you and your castmates, she's so calm and I know she's very happy here. I cannot take that away from her."

"You're not a bad brother," I rubbed his shoulder, my tone softening, "You're an incredible brother who was put into an impossible situation. You did your best and as far as I can see, Comet doesn't hold any grudges."

"She could never stay angry at anyone," Maverick looked back inside the dressing room where Kerry was taking her turn throwing food into Comet's mouth. He turned back to me, "Um, Ms. Henningsen, do you think I'd be able to visit sometimes and see Comet? I spent five years away from her because if our parents caught me, they'd hurt Comet and I don't think I can handle that anymore."

"Of course," I led him back into the dressing room.

"Did you play nice?" Comet asked when we entered.

"You know me," I smiled at her.

Comet turned to Maverick, "Did she play nice?"

He laughed, "Yeah. Don't worry, Comet."

Due to popular opinion, an Adopted by Newsies story has been published. I hope you all check it out and let me know what you think. I got requests for other musicals and those might show up sometime in the future.

Stay safe and stay healthy,


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