Home Again

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**Comet's POV**

I stretched out half-conscious and took a deep breath. I felt a hand on my shoulder and instantly sat up, pressing myself against the back of the couch. I released the breath I was holding and relaxed when I saw Erika.

"It's okay, Comet," Erika brushed some of my hair back, "It's just me."

I sat up and Erika climbed onto the couch and I leaned against her, "Thank you, Erika," I whispered, "You kept your promise and that means almost more than the promise itself."

Erika's arms tightened, "Every promise that I ever make to you will always come through."

We sat together for a few moments, then Erika got up suddenly, "Come on," she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed, "I may or may not have mentioned to the cast that we won our case and Taylor may or may not have organized a party with everyone and that party may or may not be here."

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Did you agree to that?"

Erika grinned, "Oh please, Comet, you know better than anyone that Taylor doesn't care."

Not two minutes later, the door swung open and Taylor, Barrett, Grey, and the others all marched in chanting a call-and-repeat song that I didn't recognize. Barrett scooped me up and paraded around the apartment with me in her arms.

"Ahh, Comet," Taylor hugged me once Barrett finally put me down, "We missed you so much!"

"I missed you guys, too," I returned the hug, "But, I'm back now and Erika has full permanent custody so I'm not going anywhere."

"Good," Grey came over and ruffled my hair, "I need you so I can be your gay uncle."

"You'd be my gay uncle even if Erika didn't have full custody," I pointed out.

"I know," he shrugged, "But it's just so much easier when you live here."

"Alright, kids," Kerry put two large bowls of food on the coffee table, "Here are the rules - don't hurt each other, don't make yourself sick, don't -"

"Is there anything we can do, Mom?" asked Taylor softly causing the rest of us to laugh.

"For that, daughter," Kerry put a hand on Taylor's shoulder, "You have to wait until everyone else gets dinner before you can."

"But -!" Taylor pleaded.

"No buts, Taylor," Kerry smiled and gave me a hug, "It's good to have you back, sweetheart."

I leaned into the hug, "It's good to be back."

"Eat, please," Kerry waved to the bowls, "Have fun, but remember - we have a two-show day tomorrow."

"Wah wah," said Kate through a mouthful of chips.

Kerry laughed and went back into the kitchen with Erika.

"What are you most excited about being back with Erika?" Taylor asked, eyeing the food.

"You guys," I answered, "I really missed you while I was with the Kennedys."

There was a collective 'Aww' and Taylor took the distraction to reach for some food. Everyone was drunk on food and laughter within the hour and playing Balderdash was probably not the best choice we could have made. Definitions ranged from two words to mini-stories and at least one in each round was at least slightly inappropriate. The entire night reminded me of what I had missed and how lucky I was to have them.

"We have a minor here," Erika started packing up Balderdash after a particularly inappropriate round, "We might want to do something else."

"We could binge something," Grey shrugged.

"Yeah!" Barrett, Taylor, Kate, Ashley, and I all shouted at the same time Kerry said, "No. We have a minor."

"Don't let me be the deciding factor," I interjected, "It wouldn't be anything I haven't seen before."

Erika perked up, "We're going to have to talk about that, okay, kiddo?"

"I was expecting that," I answered, "So - what are we watching?"

Spongebob Squarepants was the winner. We all piled onto the couch on top of each other and watched episode after episode. For the first time in forever, I was happy with where I was and who I was with. I had been adopted by a wonderful woman who loved me and I was watching Spongebob with her family-friends who worked together and spent more time together than they probably spent at their own apartment.

I was happy, and that was something I wasn't used to but I liked it.

Adopted by Mean GirlsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora