Know what Friends do? They got Your Back

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**Erika's POV**

As it turns out, I fell asleep beside Comet. I had thought about leaving after she fell asleep last night, but Comet had cried herself unconscious with her head on my chest and I had been trapped. This morning, I was awake after Comet but found her staring up at the ceiling, still wrapped in my arms.

"Good morning," I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"I"m sorry!" Comet scrambled out of bed in a fashion that was chaotic and rushed but somehow careful and steady at the same time. She continued to mumble as she ran into the kitchen, opening drawers and cupboards and pulling all sorts of things out.

"Sorry about what?" I asked, still groggy from sleep and confused about what Comet was apologizing for.

"I should've planned better and gotten breakfast done by now," Comet was flashing around the kitchen at inhuman speed. I guess I know why her name is 'Comet'.

"Comet," I took a step closer to her with my hands raised to try and calm her, but she did something that I never saw coming.

Comet's hands jumped to cover her head, the spoon still clutched in her grasp, and she pressed herself into the corner of the counter and I could see her shaking.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Comet whimpered, sinking to the floor, "Please don't hurt me. I'm sorry."

I felt my heart sink. Comet had been through so much and this reaction to a motion that I had thought so universal as a sign of surrender was proof. I knelt in front of her, unsure of what to say.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, Comet," I began, "Nothing at all." I moved to beside her and put my arm around her shoulders, "You've been through terrible things and I'm so sorry that you've had to bear hell. But, I can promise you that you don't have to worry about that anymore. I will never, ever, hurt you. I am so sorry that I gave you the impression of the contrary."

Comet slowly raised her head and met my gaze with her watery gray-green orbs. Her face was twisted as she tried to hold back tears. Then, she burst out crying for the second time in twenty-four hours and I pulled her into my lap and hugged her, allowing my self to shed a few tears for the young, beautiful girl in my lap who'd seen more horrors than most adults. I felt an urge to comfort her. I needed to comfort her.

"It's okay," I improvised, "You're okay now. No one is ever going to hurt you anymore. I'm going to protect you." I then remembered how a constant noise would help me calm down. As a kid, I would always listen to a block or a watch, but a heartbeat works too. "Do you hear my heartbeat?" I felt Comet's scarce nod, "Good," I ran my hand over her head, "Focus on that, okay? Just breathe. Everything is going to be okay."

Just as last night, Comet cried herself to sleep again. I picked her up and lay her on the couch. Panic was the first thing I felt. Comet had spent one night with me and had already cried herself to sleep twice. Twice! What kind of parent was I? I called Taylor and explained everything to her.

"You broke the kid!" Taylor told me when she'd arrived and seen Comet passed out on the couch, hugging a pillow.

"I know," I started pacing, "I'm such a terrible parent."

"I doubt that," Taylor leaned against the counter, "From what I've heard, you did everything right. Fostering is a roller coaster and I think you're doing great.

I was about to respond, but I heard mumbling from the couch. Comet was rolling.

"Comet!" I jumped forward with Taylor beside me and we caught her before she fell.

"What's going on?" Taylor asked me.

"Nightmare," I answered as I began to shake her awake, "Comet, wake up."

Comet's eyelids jumped open and I pulled her into my lap, letting her use my legs as a pillow with my arms cradling her.

"He was here," Comet told me, "It was so real and I swear he was here."

"You don't have to worry about him," I ran my hand up and down Comet's side, "Not anymore."

"I never want to sleep again," she mumbled, her body shaking, "It was all so real."

"Comet," I leaned over to look at her face, "Your father can no longer hurt you, okay? You're safe."

"Why don't you tell us about your nightmare," Taylor jumped in, "My parents had me do that when I was little. They said it would help make the nightmare less real and so far it hasn't failed me."

I saw the horror in Taylor's eyes as Comet explained her dream. I'd heart bits and pieces last night, so I knew some of what to expect. Comet sat up and leaned against me, allowing room for Taylor to join us on the couch.

**Comet's POV**

It felt good to be held between Erika and Taylor. They were there and that was all I needed. Then something crazy happened. Erika began to hum, then it became singing.

"I see stars, so many stars tonight. You could make diamonds dull, you are so beautiful. I see stars, you shine as bright as day. I will look out for you, we'll like each others' way. You're all stars..." Erika stood up and began dancing around the room and Taylor joined her shortly after.

"Come on, Comet! Dance with us!" Taylor pulled me to my feet and we all began bouncing around the room. 

It was fun. And, Taylor was right. After I'd told her and Erika about my nightmare, it didn't bother me as much, talking about it took away it's power. As I danced with Erika and Taylor, I finally felt free, happy even. It's weird what certain people can do for you. Never in a million years would I ever have thought that I'd be jumping around a Broadway star's living room to a song I'd never heard in my life.

The rest of the day, the three of us hung out and watched movies. I helped Erika with the dishes while Taylor watched and told us how she would do it better. She shut up when Erika started to hand her a plate. At five, Erika and Taylor told me about their job. I knew they worked on Broadway, but that was about it.

"I'm Cady Heron in Mean Girls on Broadway," Erika told me, "And Taylor is Regina George."

"Okay," I nodded, "And you have a show tonight?"

"Yeah. We have to be there at six-fifteen because it's places at seven."

"You sound like a pilot: 'Everyone must be in their seats on the aircraft by six-fifteen because we're wheels-up at seven. The skies wait for no one'," I put my fist in front of my mouth and messed with my voice a little to make it sound like it came from a PA system.

Erika and Taylor both laughed, which gave me a good feeling. Once they'd explained what to expect in the next couple of hours, we all had to get ready. That included Taylor going back to her house. It's early-December and pretty cold, but it's not terrible - low fifties to low forties. I beat Erika to the living room and pulled my coat, shoes, and beanie on while I was waiting. Erika joined me in her normal attire a few minutes later and we left for the theatre. I had no clue where we were going, but Erika kept her arm around my shoulders and that gave me some comfort.

Erika and I talked more of the way to the theatre, then I found my eyes being assaulted by the brightest, most vibrant pink I'd ever seen in my life plastered all over the Times Square billboards.

"Woah," I blinked.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" Erika rubbed my shoulder.

"It's certainly something," I agreed, my eyes adjusting and soaking all of the sights, smells, sounds, and visions of TImes Square.

I used to come here every day to avoid my father, but every day it looked different. Today, I felt like I could truly enjoy the beauty of Times Square. I had to take a second and look around at the flashing billboards and people walking around and ever-present New York traffic.

"Are you okay, Comet?" Erika moved in front of me.

"Never better," I smiled back at her.

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