The younger guy just stared straight ahead. "That maybe so, but l do have the right to tell you what to do. And if you don't do as l say, l will resort to violence." He pulled out his fist and pummelled him into the ground. l was amazed because the ground itself cracked and l was scared that it was gonna cave in. As l got out of that place, l thought l'd never see them again. But to my dismay, he just happened to go to the same school as me. Even if he was a year higher. He was the guy l came to know as Dezmin.

End of flashback.

Though, Dezmin's strength amazed me yet again. Not only did the wall crack, but it actually did cave in. As the rocks came falling down, l felt a hand grab my wrist and being pulled into the wall. Before l knew it, l was stuck in a incredibly small space, being uncomfortably close to Dezmin. He then moved up on his knees but since the place was very, very small, l got pushed into the wall, making me mumble an ow. He gave me an apologetic look then went back to whatever he was trying to do. l tilted my head up to come face to face with Dezmin's abs. Oh lord. l felt my cheeks heat up and it felt like l was gonna suffocate in this cramped place.

"Hey." Dezmin said as he crouched back down. He pointed upwards where l could see was a hole. "There's a way to get out of here. Although l don't know where the hole leads, l could feel wind so there must be a way out somewhere up there." l nodded and he grabbed my waist. l felt myself heat up again.

"W-what're you doing?!" l whisper-yelled.

"Hoisting you up. You're too short to reach it anyway so you can't complain." he stated plainly. l pouted to the fact that he had pointed out my height. l moved up anyway and in a matter of minutes, me and him were crouched in an even smaller space, though this time, we couldn't even sit without banging our heads on the wall. lt was kind of like the crawl space in my house but this was smaller. But Dezmin was right. l could feel the cool air hit my face. With Dezmin's signal, l started crawling through the small tunnel and l suddenly became very self conscious with Dezmin staring right into my back. Suddenly, the wall began shaking and crumbling. lt was probably the aftershock of the earthquake. l felt a hand grip onto my white shirt. Even without looking, l saw that it was trembling. l looked behind me to see Dezmin staring at the wall behind us, his body, trembling every time a rock or boulder hit the ground which was probably every other second. Now that the wall above us had collapsed on the walls to our side, l could sit without hitting my head. Though, tiny rocks fell on me anyway. As l sat up, Dezmin's arms went around my waist. l pulled his face up to mine. His blue eyes were quivering and l found myself as surprisingly calm, considering that we might die here.

"l'm sorry." he said. "l can't do anything..."

"Nah." l replied. "It's fine."

"How come you're so calm?" he asked, his head still in my arms. "We could die here, you know."

"Honestly, l don't know. I've never been in a situation as bad as this. But truthfully, if we do die here, than l'm in a way happy that this is the way l'm dying."


"Because if we do die, then we'll die together, right?" l said, not knowing where my words are coming from. "l came to know that life is fragile and that any little thing can break it. So if l were to die, l realized, that it was better if l died with someone else. That way l, nor the other person will need to go through the pain of dying alone."

Dezmin smiled. "You sure seem to look at the bright side don't you?" l nodded. He buried himself further into my lap. "My sister really would be glad for you right now."

"Leah?" l asked. "Why's that?"

He looked at me for a while then smiled. "No reason. No reason at all."

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