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[Quick heads up… there's mention of blood and physical abuse in this chapter. Please take care when reading and read with caution]



"Crap!" Namjoon internally cursed at the timing of the sudden attack. His hand clasped firmly around Imani's wrist as his legs automatically navigated them through the large house with precision and urgency. Imani trailed behind him, her steps light and quick as she let the larger man lead the way.

Neither of them had expected the drastic turn of events but their shock was drowned out by the adrenaline coursing through their bodies at the need for immediate action. There wasn't any time to think about what to do next.

They made it back to the large living room and her eyes scanned the area. The walls and windows were trembling with every loud bang and the dangling chandelier on the high ceiling looked as if it was hanging on by a mere thread, just about to fall. It was like some giant force had decided to shake up the house for entertainment, sending panic and fear coursing through whoever inhabited the mansion.

They made quick work of the large interior, making a beeline for a corridor Imani had yet to encounter. Namjoon stopped by a large door, hastily, he typed in the code and the wood parted to reveal a metallic door that slid upward to reveale a room filled with numerous artillery.

Imani gaped, staring wide eyed at the large gun collection and allowing her eyes to skim over the well-lit interior. She took note of other, smaller weapons like grenades and knives.

Stunned, she wordlessly followed him inside the room and watched as he quickly shoved as much weapons in his waist band as possible. Two hand guns, three grenades in his pocket, a rather large serrated knife before finally grabbing one AK-47 and slinging it over his shoulder.

He stuffed packs of bullets in his other pocket before he turned towards the girl with the frantic look still fresh in his eyes.
His gaze softened at her stunned expression and he let out a small chuckle with a sheepish smile.

A loud crash was heard, the sound of glass shattering piercing the tense air of the mansion. "Damn it they infiltrated." Namjoon sighed annoyed before snapping back to his serious demeanour.

"Stay close to me okay? We're heading down to the garage. There's a passage way underground that'll lead us out of here, hopefully undetected." He said, keeping his composure and giving her a reassuring look that she reciprocated with a nod.

"Here" He turned quickly, grabbing a smaller gun and placing it in her shaking hands.

"N-no I-I-" She stuttered, staring at him wide eyed, her head shaking as she tried to tell him that she had never used such a weapon in her life but he quickly spoke, placing his hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"Shoot anyone that comes for you and tries to hurt you Imani. Don't hesitate, don't think about it, just do it. If they get their hands on you again I'll never be able to forgive myself." He said, not giving her time to dispute him as he hastily moved away from her, poking his head of the room to check if the coast was clear.

Imani gulped, glancing down at the heavy metal in her hand before quickly following behind him.

She could hear her heart thumping in her ear, the adrenaline coursing through her body before she suddenly heard voices yelling from somewhere inside the house.

"Coast is clear." Namjoon said lowly before turning back around to face her.

"Okay, on my count we're going to move. Remember, stay close and don't hesitate to shoot if you have to are we clear?" He asked and she nodded rapidly, ignoring the pang of fear snd anxiety in her chest as she felt her grip on the gun get tighter.

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