35. engagement rings & realization

Start from the beginning

I nodded my head as I ate the eggs that were on my plate.

Dad hummed and I glanced over at him. "Now, Koko, don't get so ahead of yourself. Hayden is a very intelligent young man. I've known him since he was ten years old."

I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing, "So did I, dad—"

"I very much approve of this relationship." Dad cut me off. "Hayden is like the son that I never had," He exclaimed as he patted Hayden on the shoulder.

Hayden started smiling as he mumbled something to my dad and my eyes widened. I then turned to look at Jules. "If I didn't know any better I would say that things are starting to get pretty weird. Since when did my own father start loving my boyfriend more than he loves me?"

Jules smiled at me sweetly. "Your father is something else." She gently touched my hand. "He just loves you, and wants what's best for you."

I glanced down at Jules's hand, not thinking anything of it, but when I saw a big shiny silver ring on her ring finger my jaw dropped and I let out a gasp. "What?" Jules genuinely looked concerned.

"You guys are getting married?" I screamed, and Hayden and my dad immediately stopped talking. "How could you not tell me?" I practically jumped out of my seat to give Jules a big hug. "Wow, congratulations!"

Hayden looked around the room in confusion. "I'm sorry, what's happening?" He questioned and I shook my head.

"I was going to announce it to you soon, Koko. But everything with your sister yesterday, I wasn't sure." Dad sadly smiled at me.

"Oh, wow, congratulations!" Hayden finally realized what was happening. "That's super awesome, man."

"Thanks, buddy." Dad smiled as he looked over at Hayden.

"Well, I get what you mean, but I'm super happy for you guys." I practically ran over towards my dad and wrapped my arms around his body. "I love you so much. You deserve this. I can't believe it."

"Woah, is Khloe getting emotional?" Dad laughed, and I shook my head. "Don't cry, Koko." He said softly, as he wiped the tears that had fallen onto my cheeks.

"I can't help it." I smiled brightly as I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm so happy for you guys."

"Thank you so much, sweetie!" Jules smiled at me. "I'm very happy as well. Willam is an amazing man and I've been very lucky to have found him."

Jules was an insanely beautiful woman and I was beyond happy that she was the lucky lady who would be marrying my father. "I just want to say that you're such a sweet girl, Khloe and so are you, Hayden." Jules glanced over at Hayden and he smiled in response. "I'm so grateful for you, and I would love to spend more time with you!"

"Of course," I smiled brightly at Jules. "I feel the exact same way! The happiness that I feel for you guys is unexplainable."

"So," Hayden clapped his hands together. "When's the wedding?" He smiled.

I laughed as I looked at my boyfriend. "Hayden! You're such an idiot."

"Hey," Hayden chuckled as he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer towards him. "What can I say? I love weddings."

Dad and Jules both laughed.

"I do too, honey." Jules smiled brightly. "I got so excited that I already started planning." She lowered her head. "At our age, time is so important and we don't want to waste any of it, and because Will is going to be my second husband, I'm excited to finally settle down for good. So the wedding will be very soon, within the next couple of months. It's going to be a small but very very special wedding."

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