31. blackmail & broken marriages

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"So did you say anything to Hayden?" Yasmin questioned, glancing over at me

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"So did you say anything to Hayden?" Yasmin questioned, glancing over at me. "Does he know that you saw him give Aiden a hug?"

I shook my head. "I pretended like I didn't see anything."

"Why?" Yasmin giggled.

"Because," I smiled, running my hands through my hair. "I want to talk to Aiden first. I need to know why the hell he broke up with Ashlynn." I paused, "Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy for him because their relationship wasn't real, but I still can't help but wonder what his father is going to do when he finds out."

Yasmin nodded her head. "He most likely already knows. Ashlynn can't keep her mouth shut."

"You're probably right." I agreed, as I rose my chin and turned my head to the side. "There he is," I whispered and Yasmin followed my gaze.

Aiden was walking out of the gym with his bag, but his dark mysterious eyes were glued to the floor. He looked angry because his fists were clenched together, but then at the same time, he looked very sad.

"Where is he going?" Yasmin questioned.

During lunch, Hayden and Noah had to meet with their basketball team to discuss things, but it looked like Aiden was leaving the gym earlier than usual.

"Where's Kiera?" I turned back to Yasmin. "I know that Noah isn't with her," I questioned, and then Yasmin suddenly giggled and I tilted my head. "What is she up too now?"

"Evaluating Reece. She's asking him all these questions." Yasmin explained.

"Oh my gosh." I smiled, "I'll have to see you later, Yas."

Yasmin nodded her head. "Bye, babe."

Once Yasmin was gone, I quickly walked up to Aiden before he left. "Hey! Wait, Aiden."

Aiden looked caught off guard. "Khloe?" He looked up at me with wide eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Well," I let out a laugh, and then stopped myself. "We're in school? It's still lunch?"

Aiden's eyes squinted as he shook his head. "Sorry, my head is all over the place." He apologized, and I believed him. Hate to say it but Aiden looked like a mess. He looked extremely dishevelled. "I just mean, I didn't expect you to come up to me."

"Oh," I took a step back. "I know we're not friends or anything, but I wanted to talk to you."

Aiden's eyes widened and he immediately shook his head. "No, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just going through a lot right now."

"Is everything, okay?" I questioned, tilting my head. "You can talk to me if you want too."

Aiden gave me a kind smile. "Are you sure Hayden wouldn't care?"

My eyes turned into slits.

I was beyond confused as to what Aiden and Hayden's relationship was, but at this point, it didn't matter. There were more important things that needed to be discussed.

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