Chapter 1: Carmen

Start from the beginning

"Well it's not like you're a stranger," I grumbled. "Besides, I'm sure you think of me as a friend too. You wouldn't be driving me home if you didn't like me."

Castar sighed again. "I'm just warning you, that's all. Now finish your story."

"You told me to see what Mara was doing since she quit working for you so suddenly," I continued. "I thought this would lead to something. I didn't anticipate that they'd make a ruckus and end up getting the police called on them. I was being stupid and made something fall so they caught me. I knew I should've asked Mason to help but—"

"It's quite alright," Castar interrupted. "I understand where you're coming from. Next time, though, please make sure to do things safely. I know you should be getting your license soon so—"

"I know," I cut in. "You don't need to repeat yourself."

A small smile stretched across Castar's face. "Fair enough."

I continued once again. "I didn't really understand what they were saying most of the time. It was confusing...Mara talked with them like they've known each other for years."

Castar made a startled noise.

I glanced over at him. "What?"

Castar quickly covered his surprised expression. "I-it's nothing. Please continue. We're nearly back to your house so..."

I sighed. "Well, they were talking about some guy. His name was—"

"Oh look we're here!" Castar exclaimed as we pulled into my driveway.

I frowned. "O-kay." I opened the car door slowly. "I'll see you on Monday..."

"Wait," Castar said.

I turned back just as I was about to close the door. "Yeah?"

"Come see me tomorrow," Castar replied. "I have someone I want you to meet."

I nodded. "See you, then."

My brother, Mason, was waiting for me in the kitchen. "Dad'll kill you if he finds out you went out this late," he snapped.

I waved a hand lazily at him as I opened the fridge to grab a can of soda. "That's why he won't find out."

Mason's amber colored eyes narrowed slightly. "If you get any louder he'll know."

I scoffed. "I know you're just upset that I called Castar instead of you, so don't try to be all cryptic about it."

Mason scowled. "I just don't understand why you trust that guy so much."

"He may be my boss, but I consider him a friend," I grumbled. "Like I already said, I know what you're thinking."

Mason sighed. "Whatever. Just get to bed."

"But it's the weekend," I whined.

Mason chuckled, ruffling my hair. "That's not my problem."

I frowned. "Meanie," I huffed.

Mason smirked. "Whatever you say, Shorty." 

After Mason had dragged me upstairs, I laid in my bed silently. I sighed heavily. Unable to fall asleep, I typed out a text to Mason.

I cant sleep :(

You're in luck! I hear tiny footsteps coming down the hall

Just as I read the message, my door creaked open.

"Carmen?" a small voice asked.

I sat up. "Yeah?"

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