A Father's Strength.

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It's been a while and I'm sorry. I do not own DxD, Luna, Gin, or Kate.

-Gabriel pov-

I stand over Grey's still form making sure nothing changed. It turns out that when he was in Nox's realm, he inhaled some poison. Though not a lethal amount, it cut his connections with his spirits. Now it was slowly being brought out by his body. He hasn't opened his eyes in the two weeks since the fight. "You should get something to eat Bri." I hear Luna say authoritatively and i shake my head. "What if someone makes an attempt on his life? I must stay by-" I couldn't finish as Luna slapped me hard. She grabs my shoulders and glares into my eyes. Her golden eyes showed her anger making me flinch slightly. I don't know if it was on purpose, but the weight of her killing intent forced me to my knees. "You will defend him from nothing while so weak. I will watch over him while you're gone." She says and i nod slightly. The pressure disappears and i stand to look at her smiling face. "I'm sorry. But as his Queen i need to take over when he is out of commission." She says softly and i smile at her. "Of course Lady Luna." I say and bow to her. Luna rolls her eyes and points to the door. "Out." She says and i leave.

I enter the kitchen to see maids and cooks getting stuff prepared. "May i help you Miss Gabriel?" A maid asks sweetly and i smile. "Is it possible to ask for a sandwich M'lady?" I ask and she giggles. "Of course not. Take a seat and I'll bring it right out." She says with a curtsy. Smiling i walk out and sit in a chair humming happily. "You are protective of that fox." I hear Michael say. I jump and quickly turn to him. "L-Lord Michael!" I say in shock and he holds his hand up. He sits down beside me and looks out the window. "You know the lord had a loved one." He begins and i looked at him in shock. "She was a wonderful woman. So full of love and life, not a single ounce of hatred in her body. Before when an angel fell in love or lusted for someone, they became a Fallen. But the woman talked to him and explained, that lust and love shouldn't be misinterpreted. If you have fallen in love with the fox do not be afraid. You will not fall for following your heart." He explains and grabs my shoulder. "Enjoy your day Archangel Gabriel." He says and i hug him. "I'll stay in touch Michael." I tell him and he laughs. "You better." He says and ruffles my hair before leaving.

-Luna pov-

I sat by Grey's bedside as his fever rose and he started to shake. I calmy begin replace the towel on his forehead. The door opens to reveal Venelana and baby Aqua. "How is he?" She asks and i sigh. "I wish i knew. This poison is unlike anything I've seen." I tell her and she nods solemnly. She sits down next to me and plays with Aqua. But soon Aqua makes a grabbing motion to Grey. Venelana smiles softly. "At least you know who Papa is." She jokes softly and puts Aqua on the bed. She crawls and grabs one of his tails before hugging it. Grey stirs slightly and Aqua crawls up to his chest. She lays down next to Grey and before Venelana can grab her, Grey's arm pulls her closer. I can see a faint glow coming from Aqua. But what shocked both Venelana and I, was the fact a purplish mist came from Grey's mouth. Grey groans and shivers. "What happened?" He asks in pain causing Venelana to jump on him in joy. "I thought you would never wake up!" She cries and Grey hug her weakly. "I'll never leave my girls. Especially my little Aqua." He says tiredly and pulls Aqua and Venelana closer.The door opens and Gabriel walks in with some food.

-Gabriel pov-

"I brought some food for Lord Grey if he awakens." I tell them. "Thank you Bri." I hear Grey say weakly. My eyes widen and i look at him happily. "It's good to see you awake M'lord." I say and hand him the food. He takes it happily and starts to eat. "There now you can get some rest." Luna tells me and i sigh. "Here lay down." Grey says and i look up to see him move over. I blush a deep shade of red. "Go ahead. Luna and i will go tell everyone Grey is  okay." Venelana says happily. "What?" Luna asks before being dragged out forcibly.

I look over to the bed to see Aqua cuddling up to Grey. He pats the spot next to them with a soft smile. I sigh and walk into his closet, grabbing an oversized t-shirt, i strip down to my bra and panties, putting on the shirt i walk back out. "You look comfortable. Now cone to bed." Grey says softly and i lay down next to Aqua. Grey wraps his arm around me and pulls me close. "Why do you fight? Is it for women to love you?" I ask him and he smiles at me. "Before the meetings and the Chaos Brigade i didn't even have a girlfriend. I was just a guy hellbent on revenge. Being honest the girls kinda forced this on me." He says laughing softly and smiles. "They changed me from what i was, and saved me from a dark path. They gave something important to live for." He says softly and yawns. "Rest my King." I tell him softly only to see him snoring softly. I look down to see little Aqua reach with her hands. I put my finger near her only for her to put it in her mouth. "The girls were right...children with fox ears and tails are adorable." I say and summon my wings wrapping one around us

-Timeskip two weeks Grey pov-

I was in the training room sparring with Kate. Apparently Gin and Luna took the others to Gin's pocket dimension to train. Kate was helping me train with my lightning and Water elements. "You've come very far since your recovery." She says happily making me smile. "Thanks Kate." I say and she frowns at me. "I mean Ma." I correct myself and she smiles. "No matter how old you get, you will always be the little fox i took care of." She says and i laugh. We sit down on a bench and she looks at me. "Why did you want to train so soon?" She asks and i smile. "Aqua." I tell her and she nods slightly. "Before her i lived for the girls, before them it was revenge. Everyone is strong and old enough to fend for themselves if i passed away. But Aqua is not. She needs a father just as much as she needs a mother. If i don't get stronger for anyone else. I need to for her." I say and get serious. "She is my first child but...she is my strength. A father's strength is their children. If someone were to come after my Aqua." I say as my eyes narrow at the floor. "Then all involved will suffer and feel my wrath. No where will be safe from me if my baby was hurt." I growl darkly only to get my head smacked.

"Ow." I say and look at the giggling Kate. "Trust me little fox Gin and I share those feelings. Anyone comes for my granddaughter and I'll destroy continents." She says determination in her voice. "Amen sister." I turn to see my mother smiling before dropping into her stance. "Now we have much to improve on." She says and i get up. "Hand to hand only." She says and i nod before rushing at her.

-meanwhile Luna pov-

"Is this really neccessary Gin?" I ask the laughing God next to me. Down in a valley all of Grey's peerage was running from some creature. "Would you like if next time Grey dies? They weren't strong enough to help him or Kaizen then. Then I'll make them ready for the next time." He says and laughs evily. "U-Um i thought you were supposed to be level headed and nice." I tell him and he smiles at me. "Grey is like a son to me. I'll be damned if he dies due to weaklings." He growls as his tail flicks angrily and i nod.

-sorry for the delay of this chapter. I'm probably going to take down Not So Normal, since i want to do something different there. No Gin is not evil he just wants his "son's" peerage to stand with him not behind him. Since Grey was still weak Gin took it upon himself to train them himself. Next time on Fox Style. Grey and Ignis will finally fight The Prince of Daddy Issues. Then Ophis and Great Red will meet Kaizen's final form. Till next time my friends.-

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