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I do not own DxD

-Ignis pov-

I walked into school Issei no longer and it felt amazing! No longer will I associate with those two perverts! Kiba had met me halfway to Sona's office. "How does it feel to be you Ignis?" He asked "It feels great no longer held down and I can be myself. Though let someone hurt Grey! I'll run them through!" I say aggressively. "Whoa! Calm down we don't need you going around killing girls for Grey!" Kiba said scared. "No I didnt mean kill them! I mean run them through the school. Grey wouldn't like if his big sister went to jail." I say happily humming a small tune. "Big sister?" He asked "Well I'm older, and last I checked he doesn't really have any family here. So I must fill that gap." I say determined "And you couldn't do that as Issei because?" He asked "Because Issei was a pervert and my little brother hates perverts." I tell him and he nods in agreement.

-ORC after class Grey pov-

I lay there on the couch my head in Niis lap, whimpering in pain as the other 4 ex-Riser pieces try to help me. After what felt like eons Rias walked in. "Well it seems that you are suffering not only from extreme exhaustion, but your body is also changing due to those two tails growing. You'll be down for at least a week." Rias told all of us and I frown and try to shift around. But the pain was too much so I curl up and whimper again. Just then a Gremory circle showed up and the white haired woman showed up. "Ms.Rias and company you are all being called to the underworld by your brother." She said and I glared at her "I'm not a devil so why should I go?" I growled out through the pain. "Due to you participating and defeating Riser this does concern you." She said and I growled but whimpered soon after. "You are in no place to argue Master Grey." Karlamine said and I glared at her. As everyone laughs at my displeasure Ignis and everyone walked in. "Hey there little brother. How are you feeling today?" Ignis asked looking at me. My only response was to turn into Nii's stomach and whimper. I hear her growl at Nii who proceeds to pet my head. "You all must leave in at least 2 hours, pack for 1 week, and do not worry I've already talked to the school." She said smiling and bowing as she left, but not before I flipped her the bird. Nii sighs "Why did you do that master Grey?" She asked "I'm not y'alls master and I don't like her. She's very bossy and asks a lot of questions." I say and everyone sighs before Isabela kisses my nose. "You are just being you master Grey." She smiles as I blush and growl "I'm not y'alls FUCKING MASTER!" I yell at them and they all laugh as I threw threats.

-2 hours later-

Isabela was carrying me as Li carried my bag. "I hate being carried..." I growled out softly. "Master Grey you really shouldn't complain. Just accept that we are taking care of you." Nii sighed out. "I can take care of myself!" I yelled at her and Isabela kissed my nose again. "It's okay to be weak master Grey." She said and I blush and shove my face into her shoulder. "Is master Grey embarrassed!" Karlamine said clapping her hands. "I am not!" I yelled into Isabela's shoulder. "Then why are your tails wagging?" Siris asked as we all stepped onto the train. "No they aren't!" I yelled "It's hard to fight the fact that 7 tails are wagging happily." Nii sighed as Isabela laid me down, my head in Nii's lap. "I'm not wagging my tails..." I say dejectedly. "Master Grey why must you always argue when you know you're wrong?" Nii asked seriously and I just lay there. "Why must you keep up this facade of being an asshole? She asked and I just lay there "....I'm sorry..." I say quietly. She pets my head "I am also sorry master Grey. I spoke out of line and disrespected you." She said and I nuzzled into her hand. "You will accept our love that's all I know." Isabela said sitting down crossing her arms. I blush and fall asleep due to Nii petting me.


I was awoken on the ground from the train being derailed. "Who the fuck let the conductor drive drunk?!" I yelled as everyone began getting up. "Nii!? Lii!? Siris!? Karlamine?! Isabela?!" I yelled out their names in concern. I turned to see all of Rias's peerage getting up but no Rias. "What the fuck happened?" I asked myself as a dragon showed up. Akeno began taking charge but everyone looked ready to give up. I watched as every attack failed the dragon reared back its head. 'It's going to burn us!' I thought shooting in front of everyone, I enlarged Amateratsu's mirror. "I am Atlas! Like he holds the world I will hold my friends! Give me their troubles so that I may bear them!" I yelled as the dragon shot fire at us. As its attack continued, I could feel my body and mirror giving out due to my weakened state. "Get back now!" I yelled and everyone scattered. 'Girls...I have failed...' I thought as the mirror glowed red and then shattered throwing me back, what little of its attack dying off. I hit the ground, flipped and was impaled due to the jagged rocks. I was so tired and hurt that I didn't even bother to scream. The last thing I saw was Nii's blue hair before darkness consumed my vision.

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