"Fancy see you guys again." I joked.

"Sneaky bastard." Tanaka nudged my shoulder over the desk.

"You coming to practice again today??" Noya asked.

"I might make an appearance." I shrugged my shoulders teasingly.

"Well, enough chit chat. Let's eat already." Ennoshita said.

"Girls..." I sighed as I walked out of the school building.

It's been a good 20 minutes since school finished and I was bombarded by groups of girls and even boys asking me all sorts of questions and completely hounding me.

I was finally able to escape the crowds and leave the building and began making my way towards the gates.

"ONE MORE!" A loud yell came from the gym.

"Or I could take a detour..." I thought out loud and spun in place before walking off to the gym.

I tucked my hands into the pockets of my trousers and stood in the doorway, spotting the team at the end of the hall listening to the old man talk.

I casually walked into the gym, no one noticing me still, and approached the group, standing to the side of them.

Fucking hell... how hasn't Keishin even noticed me yet?! I'm right in front of him.

"Right then, time to practice receives." Keishin said.

"Need a hand?" I finally said, startling everyone sat on the floor and standing up. Noya and Tanaka were laying on the floor hugging each other out of fear, Daichi and Suga had their hands over their chest trying to catch their breath, Asahi looked as though he'd seen a ghost and the rest were a frightened mess.

"Come on... I'm not that scary!" I laughed.

"Seiji! Jesus, what're you doing here?" Keishin sighed, rubbing his head.

"Did the uniform not give it away?" I asked.

"Hm, Kiya transferred into the school today. He's in my class." Ennoshita said.

"Really?! You never said anything!" Suga said.

"Yeah. Tanaka and Noya freaked when they heard the news."

"Did not!" They both yelled in defence.

"Well, since you're here then... help would be good." Keishin agreed, "go get ready guys!"

"Hai!" They all yelled before running off onto the court.

As he explained what was going on to me, I took off my gakuen and laid it by the stage on top of my bag. I then stepped up on a stand on the opposite side to Keishin before throwing down the balls for those in front of me to receive.

As they all took it in turns to receive from each of us, I payed close attention to them all and their techniques as well as skills.

After each of them had done 2 lots of 5 received each, they decided to move onto a practice game. The two teams were: Hinata, Kageyama, Tanaka, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima and Ennoshita on yellow and Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Noya, Narita and Kinoshita on blue.

"You really put all the first years on one team with just two second years?" I asked as I stood beside the old man.

"You'll see."


I decided to just take his word for it and watched closely as the game began. Daichi was up first to serve for the blue team. It went over with ease and Tanaka was quick to receive it, sending it to Kageyama who set to Ennoshita. However, that libero of their was quick to send it to Suga before it hit the floor and he pulled a setter dump.

First point to blue.

The game continued on in a similar way for a while and I co to yes to play close attention too to all the players. Daichi's got a calm and collected head, he also has a lot of trust in his team. Suga's a great setter but I can tell he gets anxious about his decisions sometimes and feels guilty if it misses. I imagine it'd be a lot worse for him in official matches. Then there's Asahi, I wanna call him a gentle giant. I assume he's the ace. He has strong attacks and the team is confident in him. These three third year clearly have one strong bond. Noya's a little ball of energy. His reflexes are impressive and I can tell he hates the idea of not having his teams back. Another player that stands out it Tsukishima. He's a blocker and a decent one, but there's more to him and he definitely isn't using all his skills. He needs more training and he'd be a great one... maybe as good as another friend...

Oh and Hinata... he's been bouncing around the court like no ones business. He's being thrown around as a decoy to be honest.

"KAGEYAMA!" He yelled as he ran around the court, swinging his arms back and leapt into the air. This time, Kageyama actually set to him.

It happened in the blink of an eye but it felt like I saw it all in slow motion. His jump power is insane, not to mention the setters precise accuracy when setting. Before anyone could comprehend what was happening, the ball landed with a bang on the opposite side of the court.

An insane quick attack... basically perfect.

My eyes were wide and my mouth opened a little, a small smile present.

"You guys really are going to go places one day." I said, "you're all insane, and with more coaching you'll be even crazier."

"HELL YEAH!" Tanaka screamed.

"LETS GO BABY!" Noya joined.

"Hey, Keishin. What time is it?" I asked as they boys went all giddy.

"Uh, 6:15." He said.


"LANGUAGE!" He hit me over the head and I hissed in pain.

"I gotta shoot guys! See you round, practice hard!" I yelled, grabbing my things and sprinting out of the door.

"Uh... bye?" The group called out.

There's someone I really have to meet. When I was younger, up until I was 10, I lived a little further from here, still in Miyagi though. My closest childhood friend lives here. I told him I had to move to Tokyo when i found out at 10 and we both broke down. He was my first real friend and I was his. Obviously we still kept in touch. At first, we had our parents call each other to put us on the line and we even made them create emails for us. We'd usually run to library's and send emails for a few hours before we were dragged back home. Then we finally got phones and it was a lot easier to keep in touch that way. I was worried we'd end up drifting apart because of the distance but I'm so fucking glad it didn't end up like that.

He doesn't know I'm here. I couldn't go yesterday because the gates wouldn't have been open, today I can though. Their practice has always finished early on Tuesdays so the old man can head to this group thing his has with other coaches. It should finish at 6:45. The schools a 45 minute walk form Karasuno but if I run fast enough I can do half an hour.

Seriously... I don't think my legs can go any faster. I can't wipe this cheesy grin off my face either.

"Shiratorizawa... here I come."

Learn to fly {Haikyuu x maleOc}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin