"Thank you Sir, those looks lovely." "Yes, they do don't they? I saw a little girl and her mother selling it, so I bought them, thought might show them some love on the day of love. But you are here, think you are lonely as I am Miss Ray. Aren't you, or else you could have gone on a date, to celebrate it with someone." She shied trying to get up but he pulled her down next to him.

"Are you drinking again?" She asked. "No, maybe a little but it doesn't hurt, does it Miss Ray?" he asked. "sir you are drunk, and you don't come home from your engagement this drunk." "I haven't been to anywhere but in my office Miss Ray, met some of my father's friends and cracked a major deal about opening another branch of Woodland, this time it is in London, I cracked it and there was a little celebration."

"You came back," "I told you remember I am not going to leave you alone again ever." He kissed her forehead. "Why you keep doing that? Kiss my forehead that way?" She asked. "Does that make you feel giddy inside?" He asked.

"No, I don't feel anything for you Sir." She told him, "Don't you? Well then I think you just are in denial of your feelings." He said. She stood up and placed the roses in some water, the lights came back on. And he looked at the reds covering his house. "You decorated my house?" he asked. "Thought I would surprise you and Mia with nice little V-day gift." She said truthfully.

"Doesn't mean it have to be waste does it." He played music. "Care to join me for the dance Miss Ray?" he asked. She stood up, and he pulled her to him. "You look good in my shirt Miss Ray, you look good, almost divine. In fact, no girl ever wore my clothes Miss Ray, not my previous affairs, nor my one-night stands and you, you..." He paused. "Me? I am nothing to you." He chuckled. "No, not nothing Little Pixie. Something I am still trying to find out what." He touched her cheek. "Let's change your dressing, I haven't done it, today did I?" he asked.

"You are drunk, you won't make it to my bedroom." He smiled "I can do this and more, if I wished to, I can take you to my bed and make you scream my name, all night long, but something tells me you won't enjoy my company that way. You will not let me get closer to you, because there is a block covering us, a block you had placed in between us. You and me and it seems to be increasing the gap by the minute and every day that goes by it is growing, why is that little pixie? Why you want to run away"

She chuckled like he doesn't know why. Like he didn't know why he cannot do what he is proposing to. He cannot do what he was trying to. It is immoral and she isn't interested. "I think you should sleep and take rest." She suggested. "only if you sleep next to me, like every other night this week, I am getting addicted Miss Ray, and that is a good addiction to have. You" he pulled her close and started to dance. "Is all I want for tonight, let's make use of the place you decorated so well."

He twirled her and pulled her closer so there is no distance between them. "You smell like me, I like you to smell like I do. Put me as ease, makes me calm. I like this, like to feel that you are just mine" "You are now very drunk and tomorrow you are going to get engage to my sister, and tonight you are telling that you want me? You like me in your clothes? You like me to be with you? I can't"

"Oh but you can, you will you only have to do is say yes, and you will, when that time comes you will" What does he meant by that, she wonder, she will never ever destroy life of her sister. Because she is not selfish. He pulled her towards his room and took the bandages and dressing supplies.

"It is time, I need to change your dressing, before it gets infected and I am going to do it Miss Ray." He opened the buttons of her shirt one after another. He took off the bandages, not caring of her nakedness, not caring how much stiff she was every time he touched her. Not caring he wanted nothing more to explore her, and see what she is made of. He wanted nothing more than that right now.

She was stiff letting him see her in all that vulnerability, she never was very good with these things. She was never good at showing her weakness to anyone. Because it will just let her know how much she cannot trust anyone with her vulnerable side of her. "Are you done s...sir?" she asked. "I think you can call me by my name now, after all we were going to be related very soon. You can call me Christopher, or Chris"

"No, I don't think we are that close that I can call you by that name. I never will be close to you, for doing that, you are just my mentor, and you are going to be my brother-in-law just this." She told him as she was about to put back her shirt. "No wear this, you will be comfortable." He handed her a robe and then he got in the bathroom and came out wearing a robe similar to hers. He sat on her bed.

"I thought you had decorated room to return to, why are you sleeping in here?" She asked. "I have seen you have decorated my room very well Miss Ray, but there isn't a point of sleeping there tonight, I am not taking anyone to bed, I am not going to sleep on it alone. So, if you joined me like every single day, I would be sleeping in that bed you made for me with such care."

"I don't think I should sir, as it wasn't meant for me." She whispered. "So, whom did it was meant for?" He asked touching her neck. "Y...you" She whispered. "And I want you in it, next to me. It is Valentine's day, the day of love, and I do not want to be alone, can we not just watch movies, like every day? It will put me at ease if you just do this for me." He whispered

"But..." He picked her up in his arms and walked towards his bedroom. He placed her on the bed covered in rose petals. "You know Miss Ray, you look so divine in between these red sheets, covered in petals, like a goddess. This is how I wish to remember you for rest of my existence. Rest of my life. I want to see you like this, but I cannot because you will not allow it. And I never force someone to do something they don't wish to little Pixie. Even if they belong to me, I shall never ever force my will on them. Because it is morally wrong."

He walked out of the room and Pia released the breath she was holding. This night was so long, wonder when it end, will she will be the same as now? With the same way she feels about Christopher as before, for her he was only her mentor, her boss, her teacher but will it be the same tomorrow? Will she be able to let go of him? But she knew she have to for her sister Mia's sake. Because Mia, mean more to her then any silly little crush, which not even going to prevail once she walks out of here. And she will because he had fired her.

She then wondered idly, why the person who hated her this much, will be taking care of her? Why he would volunteer to do so? She looked at his face as he came in with snacks as everyday and played another movie for them. Was it because he felt responsible? Responsible for what had happened she might never really find out what was the reason behind his actions. Because he was a very reserved person hardly ever letting his emotions show. Her eyes dropped and she slowly closed them. And then she felt someone fleetingly touching her forehead. Maybe just an imagination, maybe just a dream but it felt good, it felt so good to her. 

Word Count: 2267 Words

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