chapter 5

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Percy's pov-

         Me and celena was walking to the training yard, when this boy about 18 walks up to celena. “celena how you doin"he asks. “fine"she responds. He looks at me and I see he's the boy who I yelled at. I raise my hand for him to shake and say “hello, I don't no your name". He shake's my hand “dorian Havillard". I just nod, he looks suprised and stares at me, it makes me uncomfortable, so I ask “what do I have something on my face". He shake's his head and says “ most people who hear the prince's name now or neel ". I just shrug and say “i only kneel to people I respect ". “why would you not respect the prince "he asks. I reply “respect is earned by war and blood shed, not a name or birth ”.
He looks shocked and says “ and what would you no about war and blood shed”. I just shrug and respond “ I have been through 2 wars and have killed many". He looks at me shocked, were brought out of our conversation by celena, who walks over and grabs my and says “percy let's go i'm hungry, bye dorian". He nods

We wave and leave. And get food, then a man walks in and everybody except me bows or kneels . He see me and looks at me shock “you do not bow to your king" he asks shock. I shake my head and reply “ I see no king here, I see a man who is curropt by power and authority, a real king doesn't have people bow or kneel to them, they stand next to them and be damn proud of it". Everybody gasps, but he just waves them off and sits in front of me and celena. Everybody goes back to what there doing, but there still watching. Celena looks at me and hits me on the head, “what the hell do you think your doing tha-”. She's cut off when I shrug and say “ I see that's your king not mine, I have fought gods, Titans,giants,  and primordials, this boy is nothing compared to them". I look at the king and see that he is staring at me, I ask “what do you want". He says “ you intrigue me, you act as a soldier but you do not kneel to a king ". I respond with “thats because what I just Sayed was true". He nods and says “ you Sayed some stuff that reminds me of a sertain warrior, a Greek warrior" he starts talking in Greek “persues Jackson why are you here " I look at him and respond “ I am here because I have nowhere to go and someone sent me here, for reasons good or bad I don't know but I doubt whoever sent me here will say" . He nods and says in English “well I know you could destroy this whole place in 2  days and kill us all easily, so how about a deal”.
I nod my head and reply “ what kind of deal". He says “ well I will let you stay here and trian my soldiers and I will help you where ever you are, if you need soldiers or supplies I will give you them If needed ” . I nod and say “deal i will continue to stay with celena ". He nods and turns but before he can leave I say “and celena sandorthian,choal westfall, and nemiha are all under my protection. If they so much as get a scratch from you or your forces, I will bring you and your entire palace down do you understand me" I say deathly calm. He pales and nods “ of course", and with that he leaves.........

  And that's it for chapter 5. I will have chapter 6 by tommorow probably. Again I do not own Percy Jackson or throne of glass that's rick riordan and Sarah j maas, good bye.

the assassin and the heroजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें