If Only Pt. 3

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It was chaos.

As soon as Tina & Achilles left the bar, they were consumed in a horrible attack.

"What the hell is happening?" Tina yelled over all the screams.

"Language! And I think it's Grindelwald fanatics!!" Achilles called back, pulling her along.

"What about the No-Majs?!"

"Tina, dear, this is not a time to worry about them. Worry about us!"

She noticed Newt jogging through the crowd, coat on, case & wand in hand.

"What's going on?" Newt yelled to her.

"Newt! They're Grindelwald's follower!" She cried.

"Have you seen Grindelwald himself?" Newt sprinted over.

"No," she breathed, "what about the No-Majs? Do we get them to safety?"

"This is a witch & wizard only area. The muggles are safe. Unless they attacked outside of the plaza."

"Plaza?" Tina dodged a flash of light.

"This is called Placid Plaza, you need a wand to get in, otherwise you walk into a wall."

"It-" Tina fired a spell, "-doesn't seem very placid!"

"Right now, it's not!" Newt sent his case flying away, to keep it safe.

"Where did you send it?" Tina followed it as it zoomed out of sight.

"Bunty's place, she'll take care of them."

"Tina, let's go!" Achilles started to drag her away.

"No, we need to fight! Achilles, we're Aurors! It's our job! We are literally here to follow these fanatics!"

"Tina, there are too many! We need to get to safety!"

"Look, some of the civilians are fighting too!" Newt pointed out to a young couple who were duelling some followers.

"Fine, if they want to die, they can! If you want to die-" Achilles turned to Newt, "-you can. But Tina, you have to come with me!"

"NO!" She wrung her hand away from him & stumbled to Newt.

"Fine. Don't expect me at your funeral."

With that final word, he disapparated.

"That son of a-" Tina swore loudly.

"Tina, now is not the time," Newt brandished his wand.

"What a coward!" She growled. "Let's go!"

She grabbed his hand & pulled him through the shrinking crowd.

People were disapparating left & right, while some stayed to fight.

"Thank you for fighting!" Tina called as she passed. "Your service will not be in vain!"

"Tina!" Newt gasped.

"What?" She didn't turn around or stop.


"Spit it out, Newt!"


Tina stopped in her tracks.

"When did she join Grindelwald?"

"Eight years ago, back in Paris. I haven't seen her since..."


"Only once. Six years ago in Switzerland. She didn't see me, but she had this evil glint in her eye. It was awful."

They were suddenly jumped by some fanatics & were immediately duelling.

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