Our Hearts Are One

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"NEWT!" Tina yelled after him.

"Tina, I need to stop Grindelwald," the man turned back.

"Please don't," Tina said.

"Why? Who else will?" Newt asked, "Dumbledore can't, so I have to."

"Because I love you," Tina said simply.

Newt smiled. "I love you too. I love you more than anything in the world. But if we don't stop Grindelwald, there will be no love left."


"If I don't make it..." Newt paused.

He leant in & kissed her.

"If I don't make it, take care of my creatures.....and take care of yourself. Okay?"

"Newt..... Newt, please." Tina begged. "I'll come with you, we can fight him together."

"You can't," he said. "You might get hurt, or worse, you could die. I'm not taking that chance."

"I can handle it." Tina stood up high.

"I love you," and with that, Newt turned back to face Grindelwald.

Tina watched him go.

She watched him duel the great wizard. It looked like Newt was winning!

Hope blossomed in Tina's heart.

"MORTEM!!"  Tina heard both men shout

There was a burst of light.

Newt & Grindelwald both yelled.

There was a BANG!!!!

The dust cleared.

There lay two bodies.

"Newt..." Tina ran over.

Grindelwald lay there, dead, with Newt opposite him.

"Newt, I swear, wake up!!" Tina shook him.

It was no use. He was dead.

"No, please." Tina sobbed."Newt, wake up."

Credence, Queenie & all of Grindelwald's other followers apparated to the scene.

"Tina?" Queenie whispered. She hadn't seen her sister since the fateful night she left. 

"Is-is that Newt?" Credence asked, his voice trembling.

Tina sobbed harder.

Whatever made Queenie join Grindelwald snapped.

"Shhhh, Tina. Teen, it's okay." The blonde soothed, tears running down her face.

"HOW COULD IT BE OKAY?!" Tina jumped up, suddenly angry.


The followers started to get scared.

"BUT NOW HE'S DEAD!!" Tina screamed. She felt her anger mixing up with all the magic in her veins.

Her eyes went black & glassy. Her anger & sadness fuelling her power.

All of the followers, except Queenie & Credence, rose up into the air.

Tina screamed once more before letting go of the magic.

The followers hit the ground. Every single one of them dead.

Tina dropped back down. The black in her eyes fading away. 

Dumbledore appeared. He saw Newt's dead body.

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