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Rex swallowed hard, slowly processing what he was hearing.

"W-what's coming?" he asked, failing to stop his voice from shaking.

Ahsoka was breathing heavily now, her eyes darting everywhere until they landed on his own.

"I don't know" she breathed, "I can't remember anything else"

Rex tried to stifle his fear and took a deep breath. Ahsoka sensed his uneasiness and placed a hand on his cheek. He turned to her, a terrified look plastered on his face.

"It's going to be okay Rex" Ahsoka comforted him.

Rex, still shell shocked, placed his head on Ahsoka's chest and cuddled into her. He couldn't deny it. He was scared. Petrified was actually a better word for it. Ahsoka rubbed his shoulder reassuringly but it didn't do much to help Rex's growing nerves. Ahsoka rested her head on Rex's trying to put his mind at ease. No such luck. It didn't take a Jedi to know he was scared to death. From the bedroom they could hear the fierce, freezing cold winds that dominated the icy terrain outside. Why'd it have to be so kriffing cold?

Suddenly a loud bang caught their attention. Rex shot up, panting, while beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

"Ahsoka..." he started.

"I know I heard it too" she breathed, reaching for her pistol.

Slowly the clone and togruta got off the bed and crept towards the door. Rex grabbed his helmet, shoving it on his head. There was another bang, making Rex and Ahsoka jump. Rex scrambled to get his blasters, frantically putting his finger on the trigger. Ahsoka began to countdown.


Rex wiped the sweat from his forehead, and shook off his fear.


All the worst possible scenarios ran through Ahsoka's head.


The duo burst through the door, blasters at the ready. They were expecting a bounty hunter, maybe even a patrol of clones looking for them. But the last thing they were expecting was a Kowakian monkey-lizard. The creature stared at them in amusement, cocking its head just the slightest. Rex let his guns fall at his sides.

"It's a monkey-lizard," Rex said, slowly realizing there was no real threat.

Ahsoka still could feel that something was off. Then realization hit her like a boulder.

"Rex that's not just any monkey-lizard" she growled, stiffening and tightening the grip on her pistol.

Then came the footsteps. The footsteps of five, maybe six people. They turned the corner and Ahsoka and Rex came face to face with Hondo and his crew of pirates. They all had guns pointing at Ahsoka and Rex. This didn't stop the pair from keeping their blasters ready though. The monkey-lizard gave a chirp and hopped up onto Hondo's shoulder.

"Hondo" Ahsoka spat, gritting her teeth.

"Oh my dear" he purred, "Are you not happy to see me?"

Silence. Hondo frowned, then started to laugh.

"I see the love birds finally got together" he cooed.

"What do you want Hondo?" Ahsoka snarled.

Hondo faked a hurt look, "How could you assume such a thing! Have you ever thought that maybe I just want to have a friendly conversation?"

"What do you want?" Ahsoka repeated, a little more forced this time.

Hondo gave a light chuckle, "There is a large bounty on your head"

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