I look back at him then quickly move back on the bed, pressing my back against the cold cabin wall. "Calm down, I was closer than I am now. You kicked me off the bed though, greedy." He tells me. I tilt my head to the side and gape at him. "You pervert." But then I realise something.

Where am I? "Where did you take me?" I ask him, desperately.He only looks at me then calls out for someone. "Hey Nick! She's up." He says, not letting his eyes leave me as if he doesn't trust me from running away.

Someone who I assume is Nick comes into the room through the door on the other side. He has white platinum blonde hair like Felix but he's a lot taller than him. "Hey, you're up." he says, calmly as if he didn't know I'd just been kidnapped. "Who are you and where did you take me?" I growl at him. "Okay, we're gonna do this very chill and easy, right Prince Charming?" He says, side-glancing at blue demon. His hands are held out, palms facing me and trying to calm me down. "No. No, I demand you to take me back to my brother. If he finds out I'd gone missing-" Oh god. Felix.

"Calm down, it's okay. We've got that all under control." He tells me, taking a seat at the end of the bed. I curl my legs up, moving as far away from him as I can. "No. Why did you bring me here?" I ask, starting to shake. "We don't want to harm you." Blue demon starts to say, getting up. I can sense him slowly starting to move closer to me. So I fight back.

I start screaming and bringing my hands up to his chest, beating him continuously. "What do you want with me?" I cry. He looks over at Nick and gives him a look. "Aren't you gonna help me?" He asks, my fists not even affecting him. Nick only smirks and stands up, moving away from the bed and sitting in the armchair across the room. "She's your girlfriend, you deal with her."

Wait- Girlfriend?

He scoffs and turns back to me, grabbing a hold of my wrists just like he did the first time we met but he's more gentle this time. I look up at him, gaping into his blue eyes.

"Feisty thing you are." He tells me. Then the worst thought comes into my head as I slowly start crawling away from him, my back still arched against the wall. "Are you gonna rape me?" I whisper. He laughs and lets go of my wrists, leaving his hands just under the, . "No. I am not going to hurt you." He says, genuinely soft and hypnotising. I see how this is going.

"What is stopping you from just leaving me alone!" I scream. His hands find my wrists again but they're loose and gentle. He sighs and softly whispers, "Everything."

For a moment, I don't move. I just get lost in his eyes of such lust and care. But no. I can't be weak. I take this chance to fight back more, hitting his chest more. "Take me back!" I yell.

"Calm down, girly. I said I'm not gonna hurt you." He says, kneeling down on the bed. "Says the one who tried to kill me a while ago! Wait, a while ago?" How long have I been here?

"12 hours ago. It's four in the morning." He tells me as if he'd just read my mind. I look up at him, shocked. My wrists lose strength as I slowly get lost in his blue eyes. The way the color fades into his iris. They're hypnotising.

'I see you're fond of my eyes.' His voice runs through my head. My breath gets caught in my throat as I let out a gasp. 'Good morning.' His voice comes again. "What the hell?" I mutter, my voice breathy. 'I can get in your mind, sweetheart. Most mates can.' He replies in my head.

Wait- No. Mate? But my mate was killed as soon as I was born.

'I don't think so.' He shakes his head. "Your mate couldn't have been killed. I'm alive, aren't I? Or not really, I mean, I am a vampire." He jokes.

I shake my head uncontrollably. "No, you can't be my mate. My mate was killed and even if you were, I couldn't marry you." I say, pushing him away from me. He pouts playfully.

"And why is that, my love?" He asks, stepping closer to me. I can hear Nick snicker at his comments from his seat. "No pet names. I have a name." I say, pushing him away again.

"Oh well I would call you by your name but, you've forgotten that small detail." He smirks and moves away, letting me breath.

"Phoebe. Phoebe Bright Wolf. Princess of the stars. Now you." I say, proudly.

He grins and looks at me up and down, making me suddenly conscious about my appearance.

"Chase Ashgray." He replies, his head tilted up slightly and a sly grin painted across his face.

"Okay then, Chase. Could you kindly explain to me where the hell am I and why you've kidnapped me?" I smirk back. "Touchè once again." He turns around to face Nick. "Okay, this is your queue." 

Nick gets up from his seat and runs his fingers through his hair. "Your highness." He starts.

"Okay so, where do I start?" He thinks for a second and looks at Chase who just gives him a I'm-not-helping-you look. Nick scoffs and turns back to me. "The vampires are suffering a loss of their King and Queen. We are in desperate need of a leader right now. You see, everyone's going crazy. So Chase, as the eldest child of the royal family, is to be crowned by the end of the month with his mate so he can take the throne. He needs his mate to do so." He explains. "If his highness fails to escort a woman to the throne by his deadline," His gaze shifts from his hands and up to mine, meeting my eyes and speaking with such sincerity. "We fear that our vampire kind will drive crazy and die."

"We need you, Phoebe." Chase says. "Please." I gape at them for a second. Do they really think I'm just gonna marry someone who tried to dig their teeth into my skin and suck out all my blood a few hours ago?Ha. They're delusional. "You know you're asking a lot from me." I tell them. "Like, no presh, geez." Chase sits down next to me on the bed and I immediately scoot over, making space between us. "Please, you're our only hope." His hand reaches up and tucks a few strands of hair behind my ear and tracing my cheek down to my jawline. I push his hand away and face Nick.

"Okay but, you can't just expect me to get married to him overnight, you know?"

He laughs as if he'd heard the funniest thing ever to be said. "I can't picture Chase marrying anyone without him messing things up." He says, wiping a few tears from his eye.

"But yeah, you've got a point. Let's say we give Prince Charming a few weeks, aye?" he suggests. I look over at Chase. My eyes meet his as I slowly take in all his features. His skin is so pale and smooth. His lips are cherry tinted, standing out from his white skin. His eyes are ever so blue, they almost look fake. 'Genetics, darling.' His voice runs through my head. 'And I'm glad you like my eyes.'I glare at him for intruding into my thoughts. 'Get out of my head.' I think, sending a grin up to his mouth. 'Come on, please?" His face suddenly softens, wiping off the grin displayed on his lips just from just a few seconds ago. It's replaced with a genuine smile. Not a Chase grin. But a pleading smile.

I look back at Nick who's glancing between us, unaware about the conversation we'd been having in our heads. Gosh, I could imagine how stupid we must look right now. "Alright. A few weeks to sweep me off my feet and make me fall in love." I give in, smiling. Nick mumbles a yes under his breath and shoots his hand up into the air. "You're welcome." He says to Chase and slowly makes his way out of the room. "Alrighty, I'll make sure I let Catherine know." He smirks at Chase. "Don't you dare." Chase warns, stiffening against me as I watch his eyes slowly turn to a burning scarlet. "Geez, I was kidding. But don't expect me not to say anything if you don't man up and tell her!" He yells and slams the door behind him. 

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