part 2 | meeting everybody

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You two walked along the beach for a while, chatting about your talents, looking around for anyone new to meet. You and Nagito decided to walk on the pavement, since sand started getting in your shoes, and it was really annoying.

Nagito was trustworthy, pretty and kind, and that was only from knowing him for about 10 minutes.

"I love your hair, it looks so fucking soft." You beamed, it may have been a bit of a random thing to say, but it was true.

He chuckled, placing his hand on the back of his neck and smiling down/up at you.

"Aha, thank you! I never get compliments, so one, from an ultimate like you is truly an honour."

"Wait what? What the fuck? I would've thought someone as cute as you would've gotten them all the time." 

"Unfortunately not," He laughed sadly, scanning your features when someone called out his name.

"Hey, Nagito!" A brown-haired boy yelled over to him; he was the same boy who you talked to earlier.

You and Nagito walked toward him, not watching your step as you did. You tripped over a large rock on the pavement making you trip and fall, scraping your knee and face on the hard, rough concrete.

"Ow, shit!" You called out from the floor, your clumsiness struck again, the one trait that you were not proud of.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Nagito asked, a slight tone of worry in his voice.

 The brown-haired boy ran over quickly in a panic, frantically waving his arms.

 "Are you alright!? That looked like it hurt!"

"Well no shit sherlock." You thought to yourself, obviously joking.

"I'm alright, just a few scrapes. Thanks though," You brushed off your injuries like they were nothing, sure you were bleeding but it didn't hurt that bad.

 You looked down to clean any dirt off of your clothes when you realized the pose that you were in, which was more embarrassing than your clumsiness.

The boys realized too, the tanned one becoming extremely flustered and Nagito just looking away, a red hue on the tips of his ears.

You got up, taking yourself out of the revealing pose, for the boys to sigh in relief.

"What're you two so flustered about? Seen something new?" You teased them both, making them even more embarrassed.

 "W-What? We're not perverts, you know?" The brunette yelled, a horrified plastered look on his face.

"Chill out! I'm only teasing, you know?" You giggled, slapping him on the back, a little harder than you intended.

"Ow.." He mumbled, not expecting you to hear.

"Sorry, accident." You apologised, earning a smile from the boy.

"You're bleeding, are you sure your okay y/n?" 

"Yeah, just a bit wobbly." You smiled.

You all continued walking, your knees were stinging a bit and you were walking a bit slower but other than that, you were okay.

"You're walking a bit slow, would you like to get on my shoulders?" Nagito offered, noticing your slower pace.

"Not passing on that fucking opportunity." You thought.

"If you're alright with it."

He crouched and lifted you onto his shoulders, placing his cold, slim hands onto your soft thighs, slightly squeezing them.

You flinched a bit at his cold hands, your stomach dropped, and you swallowed, it took you by surprise, that's for sure.

"He' You lucky bitch," You thought to yourself.

Your thoughts were cut out by the brunette's voice, and you realized you hadn't introduced yourselves.

"We haven't introduced ourselves yet, have we? I'm Hajime Hinata. I hope that we can get along, you seem really fun.

"Thanks, I'm y/n l/n, ultimate artist." You smiled down at him from Nagito's shoulders, looking deep into his green eyes.

"That's amazing y/n, honestly, I'd love to have such an impressive talent..!" 

You three kept on chatting about many different things, finding other students to introduce yourselves to.

Some were cool, some were chill, some were mean, some were okay.

This was the best school trip ever, a tropical island? Attractive boys? What else could you want?

An announcement played asking all students to meet up at the beach. You were carried there on Nagito's shoulders, Hajime beside him.

"Hello everyone! I have gathered you here to spread some light on what's going on in case you're confused! You have to earn hope fragments by interacting and making friends with the other students, once you have collected them all the school trip will come to an end! Also, you have an e-handbook that informs you of the rules. Please stay safe and abide by them and most importantly have fun!" Usami stated.

"Oh! Oh! I have made you all swimsuits with your names on them, please feel free to take one and head to the hotel to get changed and then have fun in the beautiful sea!"

Scattered students ran with their bags to the hotel and others just stayed there. 

You got off of Nagito's back, still a little wobbly, but feeling much better and ran (steadily) to get changed into your swimsuit with Nagito following after soon enough.

[on the beach at night | nagito k | hajime h ]Where stories live. Discover now