"No honey, we needed a son." My mother soothed.

"Yes, your daughter is getting married anyway, you go get your son back. You need someone to take our business forward. We always knew it would come down to your son." That old cow!! I have never wanted to hit my grandmother more than in that moment.

"What about his drugs?" Tris told them? Oh no he must've confessed in anger...

"We'll hide it. He can go to rehab and come back and no one will know."

That's when I heard another loud bang followed by quick footsteps. Tris.

In that moment, I didn't care about my treacherous prejudiced family. I loved my brother and I'm gonna get him back.

I rushed outside the house, just in time to see Tris leaving in his car. I got my car keys and started mine. Thank god our property was big enough for Tris to not disappear in traffic. I followed him but I had no idea where he was going to go.

Surprisingly, he went to the library. For drugs or for Cloe... again I had no idea. I followed him inside and called his name.

"Leave me alone Elena." He said spitefully. He was a mess, I could smell alcohol. I could see the cigarette tucked in his lips. He was pacing towards me angrily, I had to admit I was intimidated.

"Tris, I did not know." I said softly but winced when he smashed his bottle into a shelf and screamed.

"SHUT UP! You know, my whole life I wondered why I wasn't like you. A fucking overachiever. I'm the bastard. Deep down I always knew I didn't belong with you rich sophisticated people. I'm just a fucking orphan. I'm not like you, I can't satisfy your dreams and I'm not made for that. Now I just know why. I'm not your brother Elena, I don't deserve to be, we both know that now."

"You are my brother." I tried sounding firm and confident but we knew the truth. My whimpering voice was not enough.

He paced towards me and grabbed my shoulders roughly and shook me vigorously, as if he was shaking sense into me.

"Listen to yourself Elena, we both know that's a lie. I'm the family embarrassing fuck-up and you're the perfect golden child. I'm not your brother." He repeated. Again he pushed me back ruthlessly and turned his back on me.

What he didn't see was the satin white sleeve of my shirt quickly turning red. I wanted to scream from the pain but I just rushed outside. The broken wine bottle had made a deep gash on my left shoulder. That monster inside was not my brother. My brother would never hurt me.

When I turned around the corner, I ran into a girl. The brown haired girl asked me,

"Oh my god, should I call 9-1-1?" She rushed by my side. I saw her dark blue eyes and instantly knew who she was.

"Cloe?" I asked, just to be sure.

"Umm... how do you know...?" She stuttered. She was really cute and pretty. I smiled at her and said.

"Tris just found out his whole life was a lie. Go easy on him. I'll be fine." I gestured to the back of the library and left.

I got in my car and the blood was still oozing out. Now, I felt like leaving Cloe alone with Tris wasn't a good idea but my bleeding arm was screaming for attention. There was no away I was going back home so I went to the only place I could think of.

"El, what the hell happened, come in, oh my god." Sam brought me inside and till he brought a first aid kit, I took my shirt off. It stuck to my skin but finally was off. He started cleaning and dressing the wound. I winced a couple of times but when he was done I was fairly exhausted and wanted nothing more than going back to sleep. He gave me one of the shirts I left at his house and sat down after washing the blood off his hands.

We don't want to MarryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora