4 ~ Our What?! ~ 2

Start from the beginning

"Kourtney!" I immediately pulled her into a hug.

"I wanted to see you a little early, but instead I saw this. What happened?" she asks.

"I don't know. One minute, Ricky and I are driving around town, and the next we're standing in front of here."

Kourtney looks around for a second. "Where is Ricky?"

"He... he ran in to- to try and find Emma. The... the, um... firefighters said there wasn't a child in the house when they went through it, but he didn't believe them."

"I'm so sorry, Nini."

"I just-" I'm cut off by someone screaming.

"Mommy!" My head whips around, and I see Emma running towards me. Relief takes over.

"Oh my god! Emma!" I quickly lean down and give her a bone-crushing hug.

I pull away and realize she has Ricky's jacket over her face. The relief from earlier is gone in an instant when I look around, and he's not here. "Emma, sweetie, where's Daddy?"

She turns around and looks confused. "I don't know; he said he'd be right behind me." Panic surges through me.

"Let's, um- let's get you checked out to make sure you're ok," I say.

"But I feel fine," she says.

"Better to be safe than sorry." I go up to one of the paramedics, telling her it's just to make sure she's fine. Emma looks fine, but I'm too shaken up to take any chances.

"Are you sure?" I hear someone say. I turn around and see a firefighter getting equipment.

When he steps away from the other guy, I go up to him. "What's going on now?" It's not like this night could get any worse.

"Neighbors are saying they saw someone run into the house. I, unfortunately, was in a different truck, so I got here later. The people already here are saying they didn't see anything, but I'm going to check. Would you by chance know who it was?"

"Yes, my husband. Ricky Bowen. He ran in there to find our daughter. She came out, b- but he d- didn't."

"I'm going to find him, don't worry. My name's Carter Grayson." He runs to our house, and I'm thankful someone is looking. Whoever was in the first truck really sucks at their job.

I make my way back to Emma, trying to not panic in front of her. "How is she?" I asked the paramedic.

"She is a very lucky girl; nothing too serious." I feel a little bit of relief knowing Emma's ok. Panic is definitely still prominent.

I picked her up before looking back at the woman who helped her. "Thank you..." I trail off, wanting to know her name.

"Dana," she says, extending her hand, "Dana Mitchell."

I return the handshake and smile. "Thank you, Dana, for helping us."

"No need for thanks; it's what we do."

The ceiling beam at the front door is too heavy to move. I quickly run around to the back and see a body laying on the floor. I ram my shoulder into the smaller beam until it finally moves. Once it's out of the way, I go up to the person laying on the ground. I take my breathing mask and put it over his face before lifting him up and running back out.

"Dana! Dana!!" I turn around and see the guy I was talking to before... carrying Ricky. I watch in horror as he and the paramedic who looked over Emma talk fast before Ricky is loaded into an ambulance.

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