Chapter 5( hurtful flashback)

Start from the beginning

Togami makes him sick, he acts like he's so much better than him but in actual fact they're the same. They both got here on luck, Naegi for his supernatural affinity for luck and Togami just being born in the right family. The blond stomps him down, calls him scum and stupid. But it doesn't stop him from coming to him when he needs help. Because surely he would know how to deal with this type of thing.

Leon is the worst classmate he could ask for. He has a talent but he doesn't want it. The red head is always complaining, complaining that he has such a 'bad' talent like there aren't so many people in the world that would do anything for the chance to be able to play as well as he could or to stand in their classroom even if for a minute. But for all his complaining it doesn't stop Leon coming up to him and asking him to help him practice because he has nothing better to do with his life than help him practice and listen to him complain about anything and everything.

Hifumi gives him a headache- he's rude, he's presumptuous and he doesn't know when to shut up. Not to mention he's a pervert. And he's always calling him uncultured because he isn't interested in fan fiction or fan art or anime or magical girl video games or that disgusting hentai he tried to make him watch. But it doesn't stop the boy from asking for advice when he gets bullied.

Celestia was one of the better ones, but she was still stuck up. He could tell she didn't mean to be as pretentious as she was half the time but it still irritated him to no end. She was like Hifumi in the way that she called him uneducated and like Togami in the way she placed herself above him. But it didn't stop her from coming to him when she needed help with something gambling couldn't solve.

Ishimaru was kind, but he forgot that he was human. Don't do this, don't do that, that's against the rules, stop that, stop this. It drove him round the bend especially when other people would be doing worse things but he targeted him. The Moral compass still expected him to help as well.

Asahina rubbed him the wrong way from doing any one. She was so fake. Always smiling and being cheery but gossiping behind everybody's backs - he was very aware he was one of her favourite topics of conversation. Whenever anything upset her if Sakura wasn't available she would run straight to him. Crying, clinging to him, voice warbling as she asked for him to help.

Mondo had made it clear he thought he was weak and he didn't like Makoto because of this thought. Day after day he'd be knocked around just out of sight of the bikers best friend, he'd be threatened and screamed at. All for getting in the way once or twice, but it was brushed off because he was a biker, and then the biker started threatening his sister. The bastard still expected him to keep Ishimaru out of the loop for a lot of things.

Fukawa was almost as unbearable as Togami. She sent him evil looks and liked to blame him for things. Oh, somebody stole her bag? Well it must of been Makoto. His locker was searched twice a week at this point. The only bearable part of her was her second personality. Syo found him interesting but also ugly so he wasn't targeted, that side was less rude. Fukawa constantly came to him to gush and complain about Togami to him when he was the only one around.

Hagakura never shut up. He was always claiming that he knew the future and that he could help him, could make him more popular and less of a loner. All the time, every second spent with him was spent having Hagakura say he could improve something or that he needed to do something because his crystal ball said he had to. His feelings were never considered in the critising. And the man still had the guts to gloat to him that he was always right.

The only ones in his class besides Junko and Mukuro that he could deal with were Sakura, Fujisaki And Kirigiri if only for the fact that the three left him alone. Sure they spoke to him but they didn't dump their problems on him. The worst he'd gotten was having to get Sakura an ice pack and let Fujisaki read his code to him. But it didn't stop the fact that in the back of his mind and at the bottom of his heart he had this little cold desire to be rid of all of them forever.


Maybe it had been near the end of the first year or maybe it was at the start of the second year? He wasn't entirely sure when Junko first started telling him about despair and her infatuation with the abstract emotion.

"I'm telling you Mako-chan! Despair, it's the most amazing thing to ever experience!"

He had been concerned for his best friend, but her sister didn't question any of her ranting and if Mukuro didn't see anything bad about her sisters strange obsession then he didn't have a right to butt in.

"Hey Mako-chan... Just wondering why you only hang out with us?" He quickly looked down and away, not being able to look the fashionista in the eye. She was still so different than him. Despite him thinking they were alike he soon found out that Junko was almost like a goddess in comparison to himself and he was eternally greatful that she put up with him and let him be her friend.

A long second passed before a manicured taloned hand tilted his head up and he felt his cheeks heat up without his permission as Junko puts her face as close to his as she can without them touching. "You're not hiding anything from me Mako-chan are you?" Her eyes seem to change as she speaks, going from their usual joyful blue to a dead one. Even her grin scares him, but at the same time it excites him because this is Junko showing him another side of her.

"Of course not! I wouldn't hide anything!" He feels her talon-like nails dig into his chin and it shocks him so much that he can't even find the actions or words to fight it.

"I don't like it when you lie Mako-chan. Don't do it again."

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