"A-An extra finger?" I mumbled. So she's seen it before? "Can I show you something?" I asked and she nodded. I pulled both my gloves off and held my hands up, she looked confused for a moment.

"I don't see th-" her eyes widened. "Wait, 1, 2, 3.." she counted my fingers. "You have 12 fingers. Two extra pinkies." She said grabbing my hand, I could tell this girl was very blunt, from how she just grabbed me to examine. "This is incredible. You have two extra fingers that are perfectly functional. My grans couldn't do anything except sit there. You have.. wow." She looked so mesmerized, it was kinda cute.

"I've never met someone like you. Who also believed." I said and she stood up.

"Give me a moment." She said walking to the back, while I waited I drank my coffee, and she came back out in a normal outfit. She grabbed my hands. "Come I'll show you my findings." She pulled on me and I got up, and we walked out. "Can I look at your journal?" She asked and I nodded handing it over to her, she pressed her hand on the front hand and played with my fingers watching her. It was only number One because I knew after the years it get filled and I'd have to move on to another.

She opened it and as we walked she asked me question after question. And the more we talked the more comfortable I felt with her. She brought me to her home, she lived in the woods, quite a bit away from me but a runaway. She showed me her research, and how she knew where everything was.

After talking for hours, I had to go, and at her door, she spoke up, "The things we haven't found, maybe we can work together, and find..?" She tapped her fingers together in a nervous manner.

"Well.." I looked down, and back at her, she looked like she could handle herself, and she had been this while. "Id like that," I said clenched my book and she smiled wide.


2012: Present Day.

I walked through the woods and found my old home. To which I still owned. I opened the door and turned seeing something move behind a tree. I smiled seeing a familiar hat.

"Dipper come," I said and he peaked out. "Come in," I said and he nodded walking over. I held my hand out to him. He reached up taking it out. "That book you found is just like the one I wrote back in my early 20s. I didn't do it alone." I said and he nodded looking around. "This was my house back then," I said.

"So why do you stay at the shack?"

"For Stan. So he doesn't get worse on me." I said and he laughed putting the book in his vest. He ran around and I looked at my papers and I bent down at a picture, taking my backpack off and putting it in. I picked up everything that led to Ford. That's when Dipper ran up to me.

"Is this a scrapbook? Like Mabel's?" He asked and I nodded sitting on the floor, he sat next to me. I took it and opened it.

"Mabel reminds me a lot of myself. You remind me a lot of Stan. I may seem serious, but there was once where I loved my life." I said showing him my baby pictures and things. He looked and the more we looked to more he looked interested. "I was scared back when I was your age, of the monsters that lurked, but they taught me to adventure. To seek. That's what I did." I explained and he nodded rubbing his chin, and I couldn't help but see Ford in this kid. "Me, you, and Mabel. We'll all go adventuring." I said and he looked up at me excitedly.

"Really?! I love that." He said and I nodded. He jumped up hugging me. I wrapped my arms around him and signed.

"I do need a break," I said and he let go, jumping up and down.

"I'm gonna go tell Mabel!" He said running out. I watched and flipped to the back seeing a page of me and Ford. Best Friends. To lovers. To.. I closed my eyes tightly. I stood up and walked out of the house and locked it up.


I walked through the woods and everywhere I looked I saw him. These 30 years haven't been as hard as when I'm feeling now. And I fear this kid could do a lot. And some may not be good. That's when suddenly, a familiar thing happened. Black and white came across the land, and I looked in that direction, seeing Mabel and Soos. I walked over and looked at what they were looking at. That Gideon kid, standing at a familiar layout. But a picture in the middle. It was Stanley. And then the laugh.

"Bill Cipher.." I walked up the Mabel and Soos. "Come!" I said and we ran to the shack. I saw Stan sleeping, and Dipper sweeping. "Dipper we need the journal. Bill Cipher is gonna enter the mind of Stan, and steal the combination of the safe to get the deed to the shack.." I said and he looked at me pulling the book out and opening to Bill's page.

"Beware of Bill Cipher.. the most powerful, and dangerous creature ever, whatever you do don't let him into your mind." Dipper read aloud. That's when we saw Bill's shadow entering Stan, Mabel snatched the book and read.

"You're able to follow Bill into someone's mind, and prevent his chaos, one simply needs to recite this incantation." Mabel read.

"Ugh! This is just great, I've been cleaning and fighting bats because of him all day, and now I have to go in his head and save him."

"We have to," I said grabbing his shoulder and he nodded at me.

After setting up we all held his head and Dipper read the incantation we were ported into his head and I stood up seeing similar sights. Especially a swing set Ford told me of.

"This is his brain," I said

"Remember we have to take out for the triangle guy-"

"It's him! It's the triangle guy!" Bill appeared and I growled.

"It's him! It's the guy!" Soos yelled.

"You leave our uncle's brain alone you Isosceles Monster!" Mabel yelled and ran at him, she jumped into him, and suddenly came back out coming at us. She looked at her arms.

"Ah, Stans family we meet at last." He looked at us. "Question Mark, Shooting Star, Pine Tree, and finally Ring Necklace." He said pointing at me. "I had a hunch I'd bump into you!" he said shooting a laser at Dipper going straight through his stomach.

"What do you want with Stan," I said stepping forward.

"Just the code Ring Necklace. And aren't you just a sight for a sore eye?" He hummed at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Why was he calling us that," Mabel asked

"Your favourite sweater, dipper's hat, Soos' Shirt," I said and they looked at me.

"What about you?" Dipper asked I looked at them and pulled my Necklace out of my shirt. "Ohh."


We walked through his memories and opened some, I soon drifted back into the oldest memories, and I watched as many as I could, until finally that fateful night. I gulped, I watched him and his brother fight and finally, Ford flew into the portal.

"Stanley! Stanley! Help me! Stanley! Tell her I-" but it was too late, he was gone, it was a bright flash and I closed the door. Suddenly Bill was in front of me.

"I'll see you soon." He said laughing and I started to disappear... I woke up and sat up, I saw Gideon holding the deed.

"The shack is mine so GET OFF MY PROPERTY!" He yelled in his obnoxious voice. He turned around and spoke into a walkie Talkie and we ran out. That was when we saw Gideon's dad come up with a wrecking ball. And hit the top of the top of the shack, I flinched and looked at Stan. This was bad.

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