9: "I Wasn't That Drunk!"

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Newt Scamander woke up to a painful pounding in his head. Ugh, Merlin...what the hell happened last night? he thought. He felt dizzy and that the world was spinning. He tried to sit up, only to feel a hand pushing him back down onto the bed. He blinked his eyes open. A dark, blurred silhouette filled his vision. It was a woman. Newt blinked his eyes a few times until he can clearly see whoever it was in front of him.

"Brother, how nice of you to join the not-so-wonderful land of the living!" a voice boomed somewhere in the room. He identified it as Theseus.

"M-mum?" Newt croaked. The woman in front of him giggled.

"Newt...it's me, Tina," the woman said. Newt's eyes widened and he bolted up suddenly. His beloved lady, Tina Goldstein, was sitting on the left side of his bed. She was smiling softly. She looked as beautiful as ever, the thought making Newt smile.

Another, much more feminine giggle filled Newt's ears and he snapped his head towards the origin of the sound. Queenie Goldstein was smiling, too, but it was rather teasing and mischievous. Newt blushed. She must've heard my thoughts, he cursed himself mentally. That made Queenie giggle even more. Yup, definitely heard me... "Oh, I definitely heard ya, mister! And those are some funny thoughts, huh?" Queenie laughed.

Newt sighed and looked around. He was in his room in the Scamander Manor. Nothing much about that–wait...what were Tina, Queenie, Theseus—"Jacob's here, too!" Queenie added, hearing Newt. Indeed, Jacob was there by the door, carrying a silver tray with some of his best pastries and a cup of tea. He waved a hand at Newt—and Jacob doing in his room? When did they...oh...oh!

"Yeah, 'oh!'," Queenie laughed again.

"What...happened last night? What are we doing here?" Newt asked, looking at Tina and ignoring Queenie.

"Newt, we're here because of Theseus's wedding, remember?" Tina replied, smiling.

Newt looked confused for a second before all the memories came rushing back. His arrival to England with Tina, Queenie, and Jacob (they came to evade the law in the States), coming to the Scamander Manor, congratulating Theseus and his now-wife, Annalise, the ceremony the following morning, and the reception. It all stopped there. The last thing he remembers was Tina smiling at him before everything went black.

"Oh," was all he said after remembering everything.

"D'you remember it now, bud?" Jacob asked, setting the tray down on his bedside table and sat beside Queenie. The blonde witch smiled and placed her head on his shoulder.

"Yes...I think so. Some were still fuzzy but I can remember much now," Newt answered, nodding. He looked around the room again before settling his eyes on Tina's. "But, the question is, how did I get up here? I don't remember going up the stairs and crashing myself into bed."

That made Queenie and Theseus laugh, Jacob chuckle, and Tina smirk. Newt blushed. He must've done something really embarrassing. Newt avoided al their gazes and suddenly found his beddings very interesting. Queenie and Theseus laughed for a good minute before finally stopping, panting.

"Merlin, that was something!" Theseus gasped as he tried to catch his breath from laughing.

"I know, right?" Queenie added breathlessly. She was clutching her sides.

Jacob and Tina just chuckled at them and nodded. Newt was really confused. He looked up and stared at them. "Mind telling me what happened?" he asked monotonously, brow raised.

It was a moment before anyone answered. Theseus and Queenie were still catching their breaths, and Jacob and Tina looked like they didn't want to say anything and were just smirking. Another moment passed before Theseus piped up:

"You were so drunk last night, Newt."

Newt looked at his brother in disbelief. Drunk? He never gets drunk. Sure, he would take a few shots of Firewhiskey but not to the point where he'll be flat-out drunk. So...he was drunk last night? Well, he did take a few shots last night. "I wasn't that drunk last night," Newt protested, glaring at Theseus. He must be joking.

A look was passed between the other four in the room. A look that said, 'Oh really?'. Then, they all looked at Newt. They looked at him simultaneously and it creeped Newt out. There was a brief silence between the five of them. Jacob was the first to speak. "Newt, you flirted with Tina last night."

Newt gave him an incredulous look. Why? Was it not nice to flirt with Tina who, in fact, is his girlfriend?

"So? She's my girlfriend," Newt testified. He blushed at the word 'girlfriend'. The term was still a bit foreign to him even though he and Tina were dating for a month now.

Queenie laughed again. Then, Theseus. They both laughed again, making Newt blush. After a full minute of laughing, they calmed down a bit and Theseus said, "Newt, you...asked...you asked her...if she...was single..." Theseus bursts out laughing again.

Queenie finished for him, "And you...you cried when she...when she said...no!" Queenie laughed out loud along with Theseus. Newt looked down, buried his face in his hands and blushed. Now, everyone in the room was laughing. He did that? Oh Merlin, now Tina might he's ridiculous. Well, she did tell him that.

When everyone stopped laughing, Jacob finished the explanation. "And then you passed out and we all had to carry you to your room." He wiped a tear from his eye. Newt groaned. He's so ridiculous.

Then, he felt a hand under his chin. That hand lifted his head and he locked eyes with Tina's gorgeous brown ones. She was smiling, no mischief or teasing. Just a simple, loving smile. Newt blushed redder if it were possible and darted his eyes everywhere but hers and gnawed on his lip.

Seeing the moment between the two, Queenie, Theseus and Jacob slipped out of the room unnoticed. When the door slammed shut, Newt sighed, "I'm so sorry, Tina. I...I must've been embarrassing you last night."

Tina sighed. Her hand crawled up to cup his cheek. "Newt," she began, "look at me." Newt's eyes locked on hers. Tina smiled. "Newt, you'll never embarrass me." Newt breathed out in relief and smiled. Tina leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Then, the corner of his mouth. His left cheek. His left jaw. Newt tensed as he felt her lips move up until it stopped just beside his ear that he could feel her hot breath against it. Her hand had also slipped down from his cheek to his chest.

Tina purred into his ear, her voice dropping into a deep, husky sound, "You look rather cute when you're drunk, though. Maybe I should get you drunk more often." Then, she pulled away with a smirk. She watched Newt's face redden all over again. He began stuttering. Tina laughed.

"Oh, c'mon Newt, I'm joking!" she said. She reached behind Newt to get a pastry from the tray behind him. She smiled as she pressed the pastry against Newt's lips. "Now, how 'bout breakfast?"

[Edited and Re-uploaded: July 20, 2020]

Stories of Our Life [Volume 1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora