“Arneth, will you please show our guest to her chambers? FInd her a nice dress to wear, also,” Lady Galadriel orders in a light tone of voice, gesturing to me with her hand.

    The girl curtsies, “Of course, my lady.” She then turns to me, and without meeting my curious gaze, she gestures for me to follow her. My feet begin to move, and I follow her away from the stairway. She silently leads me over several walkways that bring us higher and higher into the trees. Normally, I would be frightened of how high up we are, but my brain is too focused on the beauty around me.

    We come to a large oak door and Arneth suddenly stops and opens the door lightly. “You may enter first, my lady,” she says shyly. I step into the room and gasp in awe. The room is breathtaking. Only elves could create such magnificence. The room is much like a tree house, but more beautiful and extravagant. The silk curtains hanging from the windows match the violet purple color of the silk blankets draped across the bed that sits in the middle of the room. The bed looks soft, as if it was woven from the wisps of a cloud, and I fight the urge to run and jump onto it. Instead, I softly move toward the translucent glass doors in the room that lead to a balcony over looking the forest of Lothlorien. My heart fills with happiness as I look out into the night.

    “Are these chambers to your liking, my lady?” I jump slightly at Arneth’s voice. For a moment, I had forgotten she was here.

    “Oh yes,” I say airily as I turn to look at her, a wide smile on my face.

    She finally meets my gaze for the first time, and I almost gasp. Her eyes are a startling shade of blue. The icy depths of her eyes seem to glow faintly. They are mesmerizing. “Come. If you like your bedroom, then you will definitely love your bathing room,” she says with an excited smile. I follow her deeper into my chambers.

    On the left wall of my bedroom, there is a large oak door that closely resembles the one leading to my room. Arneth opens the door and, once again, gestures for me to walk inside before her. I step through the door frame quickly, excited to see what could possibly be better than my extraordinary new room. Upon entering, I stop in my tracks and my jaw drops in disbelief. There, in the middle of the small room, is a bubbling, gurgling hot spring.How the elves managed to create a small spring in a room that is hundreds of feet in the air, I will never understand, but in the spur of the moment, I can only gape in disbelief. The entire room is created to look as if I am in the forest at night time. The walls are painted to look specifically like the gorgeous Mallorn trees that populate Lothlorien, and the floor has this strange, green carpet-type stuff on it that feels almost exactly like walking on soft grass. The ceiling has a mural of the night sky filled with brilliant stars painted on it. Now, the artwork doesn’t look painted, nor does the carpet stuff look or feel fake. It is as if I am literally standing outside and looking at the scenery around me. The room even smells like the forest which, in case you didn’t know, smells like Heaven.

    Elves would make killer interior designers back on earth.

    Arneth walks up to stand beside me, giggling girlishly at my astonishment. “Do you like it, my lady?” she asks in a teasing voice.

    “Arneth,” I barely whisper the words, “Elves… are brilliant.”

    She looks at me strangely for a moment. “Well, yes, I would say so, my lady.”

    My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion at her expression. Then I understand. She doesn’t know that I am from a different world. Apparently, elves don’t gloat about their talents or race. I smile awkwardly at her, feeling embarrassed at my stupid statement.

    She clears her throat. “How about we find you a proper dress to wear?” she asks but she is already out of the bathing room before I can respond, “I think the color green will suit you very nicely.”

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