Part 9 : Valuable Meeting

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Like the usual, I came back to Big Hit Entertainment after school. "Yah, I heard that BTS sunbaenim are back to Korea today?"-Vally asked. "Yeah, Namjoon oppa says they will arrived at BigHit at 5PM"-Thany said. "Oh gosh, I can't wait to see them!"-Diya said. BTS sunbaenim, huh..? To be honest I am the biggest fan of BTS. I liked TXT sunbaenim too, but you know.. the feelings is different. I found BTS first.. They helped me through a lot of things. They are the reason that I want to become an idol. I don't know if I can hold my tears when I meet them. "Vie, are you okay?"-Niny asked. I was spacing out for a while. "Huh? Oh, I am okay"-I said. "What wrong? Did something bother you?"-Thany asked. "No.. I just.."-I said. The girls looked at me worriedly. "Girls.. don't worry.. I am okay.. You know right...? How BTS sunbaenim helped me through their songs?"-Vie asked. "Yeah, I know that. When you were trainee, you always listened to their songs when you having a hard time"-Diya said. "Yeah.. and I..". Vally interrupted me and say "And you are too emotional to meet them?"-Vally asked. "Yeah.. I think"-I said while lowered my voice. "It's okay.. we're here for you"-Thany said. "B.. but! I don't think I can hold my tears when I meet them"-I said. "It's okay, just cry. It's not something bad"-Niny said. "N.. no..! It embarrassing"-I said. "I will try not to cry no matter what!"-I said. "Yeah, yeah.."-Diya said. We started practicing and suddenly we heard a lot of noise outside our practice room. "WE'RE BACK GUYS!" someone shouted. "DON'T SHOUTED, YOU LITTLE-" someone shouted again. We go outside and we meet BTS sunbaenim. They noticed us. "Oh, hi! You guys are our new dongsaeng?"-Jungkook asked. "Hello! We are Dream Land!"-We greeted them. "Hello! We are BTS"-BTS sunbaenim greeted back. "Let's talk inside the practice room."Jimin said. "You are home, oppa"-Thany said to her brother, RM. "Yeah, congratulations for your debut, guys"-Namjoon oppa said. Suddenly I feel emotional to that congrats words. I suddenly became quiet when the others are talking. I am okay, I just trying my best not to cry. "Vie? Are you okay? What happened?"-Jimin looked and me worriedly. He asked with his soft and kind tone. Oh no, I don't think I can hold it anymore.. My tears begin to falls. The rest of BTS members are shocked. "V.. Vie?! Are you hurt?"-Taehyung panicked. Namjoon looks at Thany. Thany just smile at him. "No.. I am okay... sorry.. to make oppas worried.."-I said with quiet voice. "I think she has something to say to all of you, oppa"-Thany said. BTS sunbaenim became quiet and listened to me.
"Y.. you know.. oppas are my biggest motivation. When I was a trainee, I always doubt about myself, I doubt about my desicions. I don't know if I already on a right path in my life. But.. when I am sure about the path I wanted to take, I had many difficult times. There is a moment when I can't continue it and stopped in the middle. When I had a hard times, I always listened to your songs.. your songs healed me. The message that contained in the songs strengthen me, make me continue my effort."-I said while crying. BTS sunbaenim just smile.. they had a glad smile.. "Now.. you had made it, right?"-Jimin oppa said softly. "I am glad.. you didn't give up.."-Taehyung said. I cried louder when I heard their words. "Y.. yes.. I already made it, I made it, oppa"-I still crying. I don't think I can stop. It's all sunbaenim's fault. Niny see me and suddenly she hugged me. Thany trying to cheer me up. "Yah, don't cry again. We are just came back home, you know?"-Jin said while joking. "Yeah, your beauty will disappear if you continue to cry"-Jhope said. I stopped crying but my face is so puffed. And my eyes... swollen.. ugh, I should not have cry. "Thankyou, Vie. If you really feel that way, It means our goals are successed"-Yoongi said. "I am the one who should say thankyou! Oppas really helped me through my hard times"-I said. "By the way, what song did you listen to?"-Jungkook asked. "Magic shop"-I smiled. "It's really cheered me up"-I said again. "Looks! You are much prettier when you smile!"-Jin said. "Hehe- okay!"-I said. "Decide for yourself what it means to be happy"-I said. "Huh?"- everyone doesn't understand what I saying. "It's the lyrics from your songs, Light"-I said. "It makes me sure about my decision"-I said again. "That's why I decided to be an idol, just like oppas". "I really want to be like you, make songs that can helped my fans too"-I said. "And I think you will make it"-Yoongi said. "Yeah, with my members"-I said while looking to my members.

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