Part 6 : Meet Sisters

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The girls was in the practice room like the usual. They were practicing the dance. And suddenly someone get into the room. "What? Why are you here?"-I asked surprisingly. GFriend came to visit them. "Yah, call me unnie!"-Eunha said. "Annyeonghaseyo"-The girls greet their sunbaenim. "Hi, Vie! It's been a while!"-Sowon said. "Hi, Sowon unnie!"-I answered happily. "You are happier because Sowon unnie is here?"-Eunha pouted. "No, it's not like that, I was happy because you are here too"-I answered. "Congratulations for your debut, guys!"-Yerin shouted. "Thankyou unnie"-The girls answered. "Let's intoduce ourselves with the official greetings"-Sowon said. "Annyeonghaseyo, Yeojachingu imida"-GFriend greet. "Dream! Land! Annyeonghaseyo Dream Land imida"-DreamLand greeted. "Dream Land, huh? That's a pretty name!"-Umji praised. "Yeah, We have no idea with the group name. It's a good thing that Bang Pd-nim naming it so pretty"-Thany said. "What is the meaning of your group name?"-Yuju asked. "Dream Land is where we, five girls making their dream comes true"-Thany explained. "Have you guys have a fandom name?"-Eunha asked again. "Yes, It was BESTIE. It means they are who we shared our dream, wishes and times with, like a best friend"-Thany answered as a leader. "Are you guys were in the middle of practicing? Aren't we interrupt?"-SinB asked. "No, we're just finished"-Niny said. "Well, that's great. Do you guys free now? Let's go out and eat, we want to celebrate your debut"-Eunha asked. "We'd love to! But..."-Vally said. "But what?"-Yuju asked. "We must ask our manager first"-Diya said. "There's no need to do that, let us asked Bang Pd-nim"-Sowon immediately have a phone call with Bang Pd. Bang Pd answered the phone. "Pd-nimmm~"-Yerin greet. "Yeah..? Why you guys suddenly called me?"-Bang Pd asked. "We're in Big Hit now, and we're visiting Dream Land."-Umji explained. "And we want to take the girls out and eat, may we?"-Umji asked. "Of course.. But please take them home before 7pm, okay?-Bang Pd said. "Okay, thankyou Pd-nim" Sowon said. "Thankyou Bang Pd-nim"-Dream Land members thanked. "Byee"-Eunha said. "Nee~"-Bang Pd hang up the phone. "I don't expect Sowon unnie has Pd-nim's number"-I said. "Yah, Sun jin Pd-nim were so close to Bang Pd-nim. We sometimes go out and eat together"-Sowon answered. "Yeah, plus I once were Big Hit's trainee"-SinB said again. "Okay, let's go now"-Yerin said. "To where?"-Niny asked. "You guys loved tteokbokki, right?"-Umji asked. "Wow! How did unnie know?"-Vally. "Yeah, Vie always eat tteokbokki with you guys when you were still trainee"-Eunha said. "Now, let's go"SinB said.

-------At the Cafe-------
"What do you guys want to eat?"-Sowon asked. "Yeah, just order what you guys what to eat, this is my treat"-Eunha said. "Thankyou eunnie"-The girls answered. "I want chesse tteokbokki"-I said. "Me too, and I want dumplings"-Vally said. "Okay, let's just order the big size of that, we will just share"-Thany said. "Is it enough? You guys are 5 people, just order 1 food again."-SinB said. "Were we are too greedy? We order one food for each of us"-Umji laughed. "Haha, it's not, we don't want to burdened unnie"-Niny said. "It's okay! Please order more or I'll be mad"-Eunha said. "Umm.. we'll add ramyeon"-Diya said. "Okay, what do you guys what to drink?"-Yuju asked. "Lemon tea"-Vie said. "Woah, you are using this chance to eat more"-Eunha said to her sister. "Hehe, right! I'll treat you someday, eunnie"-I said. "Okay, I will order lemon tea for each of you, any problems?"-Yerin. "Thankyou eunnie-The girls said again. Umji ordered and they were waiting for the food. When the food is arrived, the girls start to eat. and the sun is going to disappear. "Well, eunnie, we must go back to the dorm now"-Niny said. "Yes, go home safely!"-Yuju said. "Thankyou eunnie for treat us food"-I said. The girls back to their dorm and start to have a bath. Then they call it a day.

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