[S1] 1- a CRAZY beginning

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              You were an orphan your parents died unexpectedly due to a... 'car crash' they said but it was no car crash that killed them~ It was YOU and you had a smile on it face while doing it, they never found out it was you because it looked like a car crash to the police who than found me severely wounded with blood all over you. They couldn't find any other family that you had. So you were placed into a orphanage but children were disappearing one by one~ until 3/4s of the orphanage was 'gone' eventually they found out it was you- you didn't want to die so you remembered the old legend of Mount Ebott they say who whom gals never returns so you headed for there and boy were you in for a treat!

           You jumped down not realizing how deep it was. It was it least 1000 feet maybe less, you landed on a couple of flowers with a mix of mud. You were surprised you were alive than suddenly you looked for it knife and found it you sighed in relief as a flower came and popped up from the ground it looked like a sad sunflower who couldn't grow to be tall because of no sun to reach to, it had one large green eye in the middle of the flower and you screamed but than it shushed you whispering "SHHHH she might hear you!!!" You whimpered nervously but didn't let him see ur weak side so stood strong as it nervously whispered "Howdy I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower..." "I'm Y/N it's nice to meet you Flowey and who is 'she'?" You whispered lightly. Flowey than explained how things work down here your S/C appeared I front of you it began to glitch a little bit though Flowey looked shocked and afraid as he pressed check it looked like he was about to cry as it read 'Y/N    L.V 50     Killed both parents and 60 children and is a Sociopath and a psychopath' Flowey than said than whimpered "y-you killed your parents and 60 children!?" "So what if I did?" Flowey than almost cried and begun to say it's Eat or be Eaten down here.. And sighed asking if you showed mercy and if I was afraid of scary things- I begun to laugh uncontrollably at the flowers questions as your eyes flashed a C/E/C (creepy eye color) "No why would I be afraid of things that are so called 'creepy' and I don't show much mercy unless of course I want to it's my choice if you live or die a old friend once told me it's kill or be killed" you made a evil chuckle. 

         Flowey almost cried saying your the most psychotic  human he met You thanked him and made a large sick smile. Flowey didn't want to help you but sighed and knew that making her it ally would be the best choice so he offered his help along the way and explained the rest and than as he finished you picked him up and shoved him near ur neck pocket leaving him room and places to pop up and hide. You pat Flowey as you heard a loud thump, you pushed Flowey down the sweater and stared at where the thumping was coming from tou had a knife in ur hand ready until the thumping revealed a large goat monster Flowey than became stiff and didn't move a muscle than you know that this was 'she' she came up to you saying "My child! I will not hurt you I am Toriel care keeper of the ruins" she said with a scratched shaky voice that sounded kinda creepy to be honest.

         You introduced yourself growling suspicious "I'm Y/N it's uh a please to meet you" you said in kinda of a sarcastic tone. Toriel didn't seem to notice It which made you roll ur eyes clutching ur knife harder, she hugged you which reminded you of ur mother which made you sick you hated having parents so you pushed away from her and made a sour face she than made a mad look and than shouted in a creepy voice "WhY dId YoU PuLl BaCk ChIlD" you that got shocked and Flowey whispered into ur ear kinda loudly to run into the house while faking to be Freind with Toriel and than follow him, you agreed with the plan and than with a fake sweet voice said "I'm do sorry m-mommy.. I didn't know what came over me!" You gave her a warm smile and than proceeded to hug her but ur face was so sour and looked so evil. Soon the hug ended and Toriel than grabbed my hand quite hard and shakingly said " let's go to my house!" You obeyed and followed her the whole way than she showed you ur room and said that she would be right back and for you to stay here you smiled and nodded right as she was in the kitchen you quickly but quietly ran down and Flowey instructed you where to go.

         You rushed down the stairs just in time as you heard the goat mom getting  plate and going to ur room Flowey than showed you up ahead there the door was and you ran as quick as you could clutching ur knife in ur hand. Than you heard a yell of "My ChIlD wHeRe ArE yOu!?!?" Flowey than sorta whispered "Quickly!!" You nodded in understanding and finally reached the door and opened it quickly, it was heaver than you expected, you opened it just enough to slip outside and close the door mutely. You sighed in relief as you checked on Flowey and pat him than he growled in frustration and said "can you please stop doing that?" "NOPE!" You said in a yandere toan and giggled in the creepiest way as ur eyes flowed a C/E/C and you smiled and walked in the snow for a bit shivering.

       You than reached what seamed to be a unsafe bridge, you hummed in confusion. Than you heard a deep voice behind you making you a bit paranoid but it also turned you on a little bit which made you feel weird and stunned you decided to ignore it and as that thought was in ur head the deep and creepy voice said "Don't you know how to greet a Freind? Turn around and shake my hand..." you turned around quickly yet cautiously and shook his hand he was a skeleton, a bit short and had one psychotic red eye and a huge gap in his skull he has bloodstains all over his clothes and a bloody axe as well. As you shook his hand you felt a sharp pain in ur hand and it dripped with blood, you pulled away slowly about to explode with laughter. The male voice than replied "the old spike in the hand trick!" He began to laugh and you couldn't control ur laughter anymore you laughed like a psycho.

      "AHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHA~" you laughed, the skeleton seamed a bit surprised at ur action and stopped laughing a bit, your laughter died down a little bit after a while than you made a creepy voice "that was funny now who are you eh?" He seamed a bit surprised and and calmly said "I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton" "yes I can see ur a skeleton" you growled. Sans than growled back and got his axe out "RUDE" you noticed his sudden action and blushed a bit grabbing it knife and moving VERY VERY FAST and mover next to his neck with ur knife next to it you blushed with ur breath on his neck flirting and saying "I'm Y/N and one rule don't threaten me with that axe of urs sansy~" he blushed a bit and nodded. "Good!" You smiled and got off of him and smiled.

           "So Y/N huh? Who's ur Freind ur try a hide?" Sans growled, "Oh Flowey? He's my little guild ain't that wright he's afraid of me" you said in a baby voice to Flowey. Sans than checked you and wasn't shocked at all which made me smile and blush a bit "Sansy? You sent afraid of me" you said in a childish whine which made sans blush a faint red and shakily said "no it's not that it's just ur dark.." "Oh sansy~ does that mean *gasps* I'm a bad girl" you flirted more just for ur amusement. Flowey than asked what you were doing and if you were crazy and you then slapped him and replied "that you were simply doing this for ur amusement and wanted to see how red you san make sans" "what the actual fuck Y/N" he spat "fuck you to" you replied calmly as you pat his head he than tucked himself back into ur neck. Sans than blushed a bit of a darker red than you saw and flirted more "if I'm a bad girl doest that mean... you need to punish me~" you than bit ur lip and sand was as red as a cherry and cursed a bit and shoved his face into the snow, you began to laugh hysterically at Sans which made him blush more.

*Hi Inky here! Just wanted to say high and please tell me if you like this I'll continue to lake them this long :3 it takes a hour and 30 minutes or so and I usually do it at night I have a lot of more ideas and so ima make it into the second chapter right now and I'll ttyl you dirty sinners~♡*

(word count: 1612)

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