He nibbles gently at my neck but let's go. "Hmm.. I could kill you now but I don't think that'll be so fun, wouldn't it?" He asks me.

I open my eyes in shock, meeting his gaze. "Aren't you gonna bite me?" I whisper. My head is hanging down as one of his hands is steadying it and the other on my back, supporting me as he bends me down. He thinks for a moment but then says, "Wouldn't it be sad though? The werewolf clan or whatever you're called losing their beloved princess? What exactly are you? Princess of what? Karate kicks?" He taunts, amused with himself. My face hardens, angrily. "stars. Princess of the stars for your matter." He doesn't take the hint to leave me alone, just responds as if he weren't trying to kill me a few moments ago. Carefully, he takes his hood and lets the moonlight shine on his face.

Royal blue hair. Dark blue eyes. Crisp white fangs. Pale skin.

"Prince of the Midnight. Pleased to meet you, princess." He smirks. Prince? "You're a prince?" I ask him."Yes, indeed I am. And I like your spirit. Now back to business." He says, leaning closer to my neck again. Damnit. I should've ran while I had the chance.

Instead of biting me, he grazes his lips against my ear and whispers, "I'll spare your life but under one condition. You meet me in the dead of night just outside your borders. I'll find you, just get there." He brushes his thumb over my lip and stands back up straight, dragging me along with him. "What makes you think I'll do that?" I challenge him.

"Then I'll have no choice but to kill you." He moves away from my ear and turns to face me.

"Meet me outside your border. And if you encounter any other beasts, I'll be there to save you." He grins. "You'll know when. After all, you're the stars and I'm the night sky. You'll know."

And then, he vanishes into thin air.

Leaving me alone in the cold, scared and helpless.

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"My Princess! Where were you?" Lupus comes running to my aid when I enter the castle. "I got held up exploring, didn't realise it was already dark." I lie. He shakes his head. "Come on, Phoebe. You don't know if you lose control and suddenly transform and- God, you would be killed! And I'll get fired for even letting you go out!" He says. I laugh and shrug him off, taking my coat off and placing it on one of the stands. "Lupus, as if anyone would really care if I died." I tell him, truthfully. "I would." He whispers. "Pheebs, I'm your best friend." I turn around, feeling a bit guilty. "I know you would." He smiles but then turns serious again, returning to his original duties. "The Alpha is hosting a celebration tomorrow marking his 9th year as Alpha. He would like you to attend. I hear there's a surprise." he grins. Felix wants me there?

"My brother despises me. There is no way he would invite me to such an event." I say, turning on my heel and walking towards my room. "You can't disobey the Alpha's orders." he says sternly.

"I'm not, I'll just ruin his night." I shout back. The echo in this room is crazy. Well, not really room. It's more like an entire half of the castle. All for me. To keep me busy. Hidden away. I hear Lupus sigh behind me, giving up with my stubbornness."Very well then, I will attend. When am I expected?" I ask him. "Sunrise. Your wardrobe has already been chosen for you." he says, pushing the tray towards the door. "I'll make sure I'll be there just before." I say, walking towards him and engulfing him in a hug. He wraps his arms around me and nuzzles his head in my hair.

"Thanks Lupus. You're truly the best." I whisper. "It's my honour, your highness." He says, pulling away from my embrace. "Jesus, don't be so formal with me. It makes me feel old." I tell him. He laughs and reaches for my coat on the rack and places it underneath his tray.

"Alright then Princess. I'll have these cleaned for you in no time." He motions towards a few of my dirty dishes and coat.

I watch him slowly leave the East Wing of the castle, listening to his footsteps grow further and further away. I let out a sigh and turned around, facing the entire East Wing of the castle.

It's huge. Beautiful. Like an enormous ballroom that old kingdoms have. The ceilings are so high with paintings on the roof. I walk around, hearing my own footsteps echo through the walls.

All this space. All for me. Leaving me lonely. All alone.

I move towards the large windows on the side of the large room. The view isn't bad. Outside, you can see the forests that hide our kingdom away from the border. Over our border, there are mountains and terrains that cover the rest of the world from my sight. Stupid mountains.

I watch as the stars start to appear, lighting the sky as midnight starts to crawl through. Midnight.

I needed to see that prince.

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I step closer to the door that leads me towards the East Wing. I'm wearing another one of my coats but this one trails down to my knees, covering my entire body. The hood is quite large and wide, keeping me warm yet fashionable. I mean, I am the princess after all.

I walk closer towards the door but am surprised to hear a voice calling from the other side.

A voice I never expected to hear on my doorstep. A voice I thought would never want to step foot in my terrance ever again.

"Phoebe? Are you asleep?" Felix's voice runs through the walls and echoes through the entire room. I quickly shake my coat off and ruffle my hands through my hair, making me look as if I weren't trying to escape. I peep through the hole in the door and see him standing on the other end. "Felix?" I manage to whisper. His head shoots up and his eyes fill with glee.

"Hi." he says, awkwardly. I quickly get rid of all the locks and barricades on the door and open it for him. It opens with a bit of effort but I manage to use my strength to clear the Alpha's way.

"Hey, little sister." He says, quietly. My head tilts, shocked and lost for words. "Felix? What are you doing here?" I ask him. He smiles and walks in, refuging from the bitter cold. He steps inside and hugs me. My body stiffens and I can't seem to think straight. 

Felix is hugging me. My brother is hugging me. He seems to see my hesitation and steps back. "I'm sorry." He says, fiddling with his hands. "What are you doing?" I manage to ask. "I came to apologise." His eyes meet mine and I can see the sorrow in them. "I don't want to become like our father. Neglecting you. I'm sorry I ignored you for all these years. There was so much pressure on me. Becoming Alpha at such a young age messed with my head and I forgot I had a little sister." He tells me.

I try to say something but I don't trust my mouth. I know I'll ruin his sweet moment.

"I want you to come to my ceremony tomorrow. I don't want you hiding in my shadow anymore." He tells me. I laugh then think of something. "Hahah, shadow. Get it? Prince of Shadows? Cause you know, that's you- yeah I should just shut up." I mentally slap myself. He laughs and ruffles my hair. 

"You're just like how I remembered. By tomorrow, I'll get you in your new room in the East Wing with me." he says and makes his way out. "Goodbye, little sister." he says, shutting the door behind him. I smile at him. "Goodnight, Felix." I whisper towards the door. I look at my coat on the rack and contemplate if I should sneak out or not. Felix and I had just made up and if he found out I'm sneaking out, I don't think our bond could be restored anymore. But after all, I don't want to die. So I tie up all my bedsheets into a rope, and climb down my window. 

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